
94 lines
3.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const { Client } = require("oceanic.js");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const client = new Client({
auth: `Bot ${process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN}`,
gateway: {
intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES"] // If the message does not start with a mention to or somehow relate to your client, you will need the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent as well
client.on("ready", () => console.log("Ready as", client.user.tag));
client.on("messageCreate", async (msg) => {
if(msg.content.includes("!embed")) {
console.log(`'!embeds' was seen in chat!`)
await client.rest.channels.createMessage(msg.channelID, {
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedOptions.html
// Up to 10 in one message
embeds: [
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedAuthorOptions.html
author: {
name: "Author Name",
// An image url, or attachment://filename.ext
iconURL: "https://i.furry.cool/DonPride.png", // Optional
url: "https://docs.oceanic.ws" // Optional
// Array of https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedField.html
// Up to 25 in one message
fields: [
name: "Field One",
value: "Field One Value",
inline: true // If this field should be displayed inline (default: false)
name: "Field Two",
value: "Field Two Value",
inline: false
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedFooterOptions.html
footer: {
text: "Footer Text",
// An image url, or attachment://filename.ext
iconURL: "https://i.furry.cool/DonPride.png" // Optional
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedImageOptions.html
image: {
// An image url, or attachment://filename.ext
url: "https://i.furry.cool/DonPride.png"
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedThumbnailOptions.html
thumbnail: {
// An image url, or attachment://filename.ext
url: "https://i.furry.cool/DonPride.png"
// https://docs.oceanic.ws/latest/interfaces/Types_Channels.EmbedOptions.html
color: 0xFFA500, // Base-10 color (0x prefix can be used for hex codes)
description: "My Cool Embed",
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), // The current time - ISO 8601 format
title: "My Amazing Embed",
url: "https://docs.oceanic.ws"
} else if(msg.content.includes("!file")) {
await client.rest.channels.createMessage(msg.channelID, {
embeds: [
image: {
// This can also be used for author & footer images
url: "attachment://image.png"
files: [
name: "image.png",
contents: readFileSync(`${__dirname}/image.png`)
// An error handler
client.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Something went wrong:", error);
// Connect to Discord