2024-01-20 08:16:14 -08:00
'use client';
import { IStream } from "@/lib/streams";
2024-03-28 23:28:02 -08:00
// import NotFound from "app/streams/[cuid]/not-found";
2024-01-20 08:16:14 -08:00
import { IVod } from "@/lib/vods";
import Link from "next/link";
import Image from "next/image";
import { LocalizedDate } from "./localized-date";
import { FontAwesomeIcon, FontAwesomeIconProps } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
import { faTriangleExclamation, faCircleInfo, faThumbsUp, IconDefinition, faO, faX, faExternalLinkAlt } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { Hemisphere, Moon } from "lunarphase-js";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { faXTwitter } from "@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons";
export interface IStreamProps {
stream: IStream;
type Status = 'missing' | 'issue' | 'good';
interface StyleDef {
heading: string;
icon: IconDefinition;
desc1: string;
desc2: string;
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string): string {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
function hasNote(vod: IVod) {
if (!!vod?.attributes?.note) return true;
else return false;
function determineStatus(stream: IStream): Status {
if (stream.attributes.vods.data.length < 1) {
return 'missing'
} else {
if (stream.attributes.vods.data.some(vod => !hasNote(vod))) {
return 'good';
} else {
return 'issue';
export default function StreamPage({ stream }: IStreamProps) {
const displayName = stream.attributes.vtuber.data.attributes.displayName;
const date = new Date(stream.attributes.date);
const [hemisphere, setHemisphere] = useState(Hemisphere.NORTHERN);
const [selectedStatus, setSelectedStatus] = useState<Status>(determineStatus(stream));
const styleMap: Record<Status, StyleDef> = {
'missing': {
heading: 'is-danger',
icon: faTriangleExclamation,
desc1: "We don't have a VOD for this stream.",
desc2: 'Know someone who does?'
'issue': {
heading: 'is-warning',
icon: faCircleInfo,
desc1: "We have a VOD for this stream, but it's not full quality.",
desc2: 'Have a better copy?'
'good': {
heading: 'is-success',
icon: faThumbsUp,
desc1: "We have a VOD for this stream, and we think it's the best quality possible.",
desc2: "Have one that's even better?"
const { heading, icon, desc1, desc2 } = styleMap[selectedStatus] || {};
useEffect(() => {
const randomHemisphere = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1) ? Hemisphere.NORTHERN : Hemisphere.SOUTHERN;
}, []);
2024-03-28 23:28:02 -08:00
if (!stream) return <p>NotFound</p>
// <NotFound></NotFound>
2024-01-20 08:16:14 -08:00
// return <p>
// <pre>
// <code>
// {JSON.stringify(stream, null, 2)}
// </code>
// </pre>
// </p>
// const platformsList = '???';
const { isChaturbateInvite, isFanslyInvite } = stream.attributes.tweet.data.attributes;
const platformsArray = [
isChaturbateInvite ? 'Chaturbate' : null,
isFanslyInvite ? 'Fansly' : null
const platformsList = platformsArray.length > 0 ? platformsArray.join(', ') : 'None';
return (
<div className="content">
<div className="section">
<h1 className="title"><LocalizedDate date={date} /> {displayName} Stream Archive</h1>
<div className="section columns is-multiline">
<div className="column is-half">
<div className="box">
<h2 className="title is-3">Details</h2>
<div className="columns is-multiline">
<div className="column is-full">
<span><b>Announcement</b> <span><Link target="_blank" href={stream.attributes.tweet.data.attributes.url}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXTwitter}></FontAwesomeIcon><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faExternalLinkAlt}></FontAwesomeIcon></Link></span></span><br></br>
<span><b>Platform</b> </span><span>{platformsList}</span><br></br>
<span><b>UTC Datetime</b> </span><time dateTime={date.toISOString()}>{date.toISOString()}</time><br></br>
<span><b>Local Datetime</b> </span><span>{date.toLocaleDateString()} {date.toLocaleTimeString()}</span><br></br>
<span><b>Lunar Phase</b> </span><span>{Moon.lunarPhase(date)} {Moon.lunarPhaseEmoji(date, { hemisphere })}</span><br></br>
{/* <select className="mt-5"
onChange={e => setSelectedStatus(e.target.value as Status)}
</select> */}
<div className="column is-half">
<article className={`message ${heading}`}>
<div className="message-header">
<span>VOD {capitalizeFirstLetter(selectedStatus)}</span>
<div className="message-body has-text-centered">
<span className="title is-1"><FontAwesomeIcon icon={icon}></FontAwesomeIcon></span>
<p className="mt-3">{desc1}</p>
<p className="mt-5">{desc2}<br />
<Link href={`/upload?cuid=${stream.attributes.cuid}`}>Upload it here.</Link></p>
<div className="section">
<h1 className="title">VODs</h1>
<table className="table">
<th>Upload Date</th>
{/* <th>Thumbnail</th>
<th>Duration</th> */}
{stream.attributes.vods.data.map((vod: IVod) => (
<tr key={vod.id}>
{/* <p>{JSON.stringify(vod, null, 2)}</p> */}
<td><Link href={`/vt/${stream.attributes.vtuber.data.attributes.slug}/vod/${vod.attributes.cuid}`}>{vod.attributes.cuid}</Link></td>
{/* <td>{(!!vod?.attributes?.thumbnail?.data?.attributes?.cdnUrl) ? <Image alt="" src={vod.attributes.thumbnail.data.attributes.cdnUrl}></Image> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faX} />}</td>
<td>{(!!vod?.attributes?.duration) ? vod.attributes.duration : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faX} />}</td> */}
<td>{(!!vod.attributes.note) ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faO} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faX} />}</td>