import FundingGoal from "@/app/components/funding-goal"; import VodCard from "@/app/components/vod-card"; import { getVodTitle } from "@/app/components/vod-page"; import { getVods } from '@/app/lib/vods'; import { IVod } from "@/app/lib/vods"; import { IVtuber } from '@futureporn/types'; import { getVtubers } from "./lib/vtubers"; import VTuberCard from "./components/vtuber-card"; import Link from 'next/link'; import { notFound } from "next/navigation"; import { ErrorCard } from "./components/error-card"; export default async function Page() { const vods = await getVods(1, 9, true); const vtubers = await getVtubers(); return ( <>
Error: Failed to fetch VODs from the database