# futureporn.net [![Built with Devbox](https://www.jetify.com/img/devbox/shield_galaxy.svg)](https://www.jetify.com/devbox/docs/contributor-quickstart/) Source Code for https://futureporn.net See ./ARCHITECTURE.md for an overview of the infrastructure components. ## Getting Started I'm working towards a better development experience with devbox and Tilt. This process is in a state of flux and is likely to be broken. The main gist is as follows 1. Install [devbox](https://www.jetify.com/devbox/docs/installing_devbox/) 2. Install development environment & packages using devbox. devbox install 3. ## backup/restore dev database @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/29913462/1004931 ### backup Use devbox helper script devbox run backup ### restore cat ./backups/your-backup.sql | docker exec -i postgres_db psql -U postgres ## Metrics Notes Keeping track of metrics we want to scrape using Prometheus ### Uppy https://uppy.fp.sbtp.xyz/metrics