'use client'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; import { faExternalLinkAlt } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; import Link from 'next/link' import { Highlight, themes } from "prism-react-renderer"; const bootstrapScript = `#!/bin/bash ## bootstrap.sh ## tested on Ubuntu 22.04 ## install dependencies cd apt install -y screen ## Open necessary firewall ports ufw allow 9096/tcp ufw allow 9094/tcp ufw allow 4001/tcp ufw allow 4001/udp ## Download kubo wget 'https://dist.ipfs.tech/kubo/v0.24.0/kubo_v0.24.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz' tar xvzf ./kubo_v0.24.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz chmod +x ./kubo/install.sh ./kubo/install.sh ## Download ipfs-cluster-follow wget 'https://dist.ipfs.tech/ipfs-cluster-follow/v1.0.7/ipfs-cluster-follow_v1.0.7_linux-amd64.tar.gz' tar xvzf ./ipfs-cluster-follow_v1.0.7_linux-amd64.tar.gz chmod +x ./ipfs-cluster-follow/ipfs-cluster-follow mv ./ipfs-cluster-follow/ipfs-cluster-follow /usr/local/bin/ ## initialize ipfs ipfs init ## run ipfs in a screen session screen -d -m ipfs daemon ## run ipfs-cluster-follow CLUSTER_PEERNAME="my-cluster-peer-name" ipfs-cluster-follow futureporn.net run --init https://futureporn.net/api/service.json ` export default function Page() { return (

Futureporn API

Futureporn Application Programmable Interface (API) for developers and power users

RSS Feed

Keep up to date with new VODs using Real Simple Syndication (RSS).

Don't have a RSS reader? Futureporn recommends Fraidycat




Data API

The Data API contains all the data served by this website in JSON format, including IPFS Content IDs (CID), VOD titles, dates, and stream announcement links.

Futureporn API Version 1

IPFS Cluster Template

The IPFS Cluster Template allows other IPFS cluster instances to join the Futureporn.net IPFS cluster as a follower peer . Cluster peers automatically pin (replicate) the IPFS content listed on this website.

Basic instructions are as follows

1. Download & install both kubo and ipfs-cluster-follow onto your server.

2. Initialize your ipfs repo & start the ipfs daemon

3. Join the cluster using ipfs-cluster-follow

Below is an example bash script to get everything you need to run an IPFS follower peer. This is only an example and may need tweaks to run in your environment.

{({ className, style, tokens, getLineProps, getTokenProps }) => (
                                        {tokens.map((line, i) => (
{line.map((token, key) => ( ))}

Futureporn IPFS Cluster Template (service.json)

) }