# This starts ArgoCD in local kind cluster. # Meant for validating cluster behavior before committing infrastructure to git # We run ArgoCD in production so here we can test that everything works locally load('ext://namespace', 'namespace_create') k8s_namespace='fp' namespace_create(k8s_namespace) k8s_resource( objects=[k8s_namespace + ':namespace'], labels=["localdev"], new_name='k8s:namespace' ) k8s_context=k8s_context() # Load ArgoCD Tiltfile load('./localdev/argocd/Tiltfile', 'deploy_argo', 'delete_argocd_apps_on_tilt_down', 'force_argocd_cleanup_on_tilt_down') # make sure apps get removed (cleanly) before ArgoCD is shutdown delete_argocd_apps_on_tilt_down() deploy_argo()