import { fpSlugify, getTmpFile, download } from './index.js' import { expect } from 'chai' import { describe } from 'mocha' describe('utils', function () { describe('fpSlugify', function () { it('should remove all capitalization and uppercase and spaces and special characters', function () { expect(fpSlugify('ProjektMelody')).to.equal('projektmelody') expect(fpSlugify('CJ_Clippy')).to.equal('cjclippy') }) }) describe('getTmpFile', function () { it('should give a /tmp/_ path', function () { expect(getTmpFile('my-cool-image.webp')).to.match(/\/tmp\/.*_my-cool-image\.webp/) expect(getTmpFile('video.mp4')).to.match(/\/tmp\/.*_video\.mp4/) }) }), describe('download', function () { it('should get the file', async function () { const file = await download({ url: '' }) expect(file).to.match(/\/tmp\/.*sample\.webp$/) }) }) })