# @todo this script is meant for first-time setup of the cluster
#       it sets up the UI to have a futureporn postgres server connection
# @see https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/development/import_export_servers.html#json-format

bindir=$(dirname "$(readlink -fm "$0")")

# kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- /usr/bin/python /pgadmin4/setup.py load-servers pgadmin-connection-profile.json
# kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- /usr/bin/python3 /pgadmin4/setup.py
kubectl -n futureporn cp ${bindir}/pgadmin-connection-profile.json pgadmin:/tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json
# kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- chown root:root /tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json
# kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- mv /tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json /pgadmin4/pgadmin-connection-profile.json
# kubectl -n futureporn cp pgadmin:/tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json pgadmin:/tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json
kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- ls -la /tmp/
kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- cat /tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json
kubectl -n futureporn exec pgadmin -- /venv/bin/python3 setup.py load-servers /tmp/pgadmin-connection-profile.json --replace --user cj@futureporn.net