# @futureporn/capture Cloud based wrapper around yt-dlp There are two components in this package. api and worker. ## API components API container serves a REST API. Use this API to start/stop recordings. The API component doesn't actually record, it just queues the record task which a worker then picks up. When run in k8s, this container is meant to have 1 replication. ## Worker components Worker container runs a Graphile Worker which listens for specific tasks related to recording. This container is meant to have 1 or more replications. ## Issues * [ ] Initial Capture worker UI updates are too slow; the worker begins work without notifying the admin. * [ ] Too much RAM usage! Array buffer size just keeps growing until OOMKilled while the upload is in progress. ## Misc dev notes ### idea for taking snapshots of stream in progress https://ofarukcaki.medium.com/producing-real-time-video-with-node-js-and-ffmpeg-a59ac27461a1 ### youtube-dl end of stream output The end-of-stream output from yt-dlp when recording CB looks like this ``` [https @ 0x5646887f1580] Opening 'https://edge11-lax.live.mmcdn.com/live-hls/amlst:hotfallingdevil-sd-fdf87e5b6c880e52d38e8c94f8ebf8728c980a91d56fb4ace13748ba59012336_trns_h264/chunklist_w881713853_b5128000_t64RlBTOjMwLjA=.m3u8' for reading [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:4') [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] Skip ('#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE:0') [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] Skip ('#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2023-01-31T17:48:45.947+00:00') [https @ 0x5646880bf880] Opening 'https://edge11-lax.live.mmcdn.com/live-hls/amlst:hotfallingdevil-sd-fdf87e5b6c880e52d38e8c94f8ebf8728c980a91d56fb4ace13748ba59012336_trns_h264/media_w881713853_b5128000_t64RlBTOjMwLjA=_18912.ts' for reading [https @ 0x564688097d00] Opening 'https://edge11-lax.live.mmcdn.com/live-hls/amlst:hotfallingdevil-sd-fdf87e5b6c880e52d38e8c94f8ebf8728c980a91d56fb4ace13748ba59012336_trns_h264/media_w881713853_b5128000_t64RlBTOjMwLjA=_18913.ts' for reading [https @ 0x5646887f1580] Opening 'https://edge11-lax.live.mmcdn.com/live-hls/amlst:hotfallingdevil-sd-fdf87e5b6c880e52d38e8c94f8ebf8728c980a91d56fb4ace13748ba59012336_trns_h264/chunklist_w881713853_b5128000_t64RlBTOjMwLjA=.m3u8' for reading [https @ 0x5646886e8580] HTTP error 403 Forbidden [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] keepalive request failed for 'https://edge11-lax.live.mmcdn.com/live-hls/amlst:hotfallingdevil-sd-fdf87e5b6c880e52d38e8c94f8ebf8728c980a91d56fb4ace13748ba59012336_trns_h264/chunklist_w881713853_b5128000_t64RlBTOjMwLjA=.m3u8' with error: 'Server returned 403 Forbidden (access denied)' when parsing playlist [https @ 0x5646886ccfc0] HTTP error 403 Forbidden [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] Failed to reload playlist 0 [https @ 0x5646886bf680] HTTP error 403 Forbidden [hls @ 0x564687dd0980] Failed to reload playlist 0 frame= 5355 fps= 31 q=-1.0 Lsize= 71404kB time=00:02:58.50 bitrate=3277.0kbits/s speed=1.02x video:68484kB audio:2790kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.181873% [ffmpeg] Downloaded 73117881 bytes [download] 100% of 69.73MiB in 02:57 ```