# @futureporn/migrations Here we handle migrations for the postgrest database. @see https://github.com/zakpatterson/postgres-schema-migrations Reminder: only write migrations that affect schema. (don't write migrations that affect data) ## K.I.S.S. Keep It Stupidly Simple. We are keeping this module as simple as possible. This means pure JS (no typescript!) ## troubleshooting If you see the following error, graphile_worker likely hasn't had a chance to create it's functions. Make sure that a graphile_worker is running, so it can automatically create the necessary functions. ```json { "code": "42883", "details": null, "hint": "No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.", "message": "function graphile_worker.add_job(text, json, max_attempts => integer) does not exist" } ```