-- We create a function which lets Postgrest's automation user create jobs in Graphile Worker. -- Normally only the database owner, in our case `postgres`, can add jobs due to RLS in graphile_worker tables. -- Under the advice of graphile_worker author, we can use a SECURITY DEFINER wrapper function. -- @see https://worker.graphile.org/docs/sql-add-job#graphile_workeradd_job:~:text=graphile_worker.add_job(...),that%20are%20necessary.) -- @see https://discord.com/channels/489127045289476126/1179293106336694333/1179605043729670306 -- @see https://discord.com/channels/489127045289476126/498852330754801666/1067707497235873822 CREATE FUNCTION public.tg__add_job() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path TO 'pg_catalog', 'public', 'pg_temp' AS $$ begin PERFORM graphile_worker.add_job(tg_argv[0], json_build_object( 'url', NEW.url, 'record_id', NEW.id ), max_attempts := 12); return NEW; end; $$; CREATE TRIGGER record AFTER INSERT ON api.records FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.tg__add_job('record');