/* we already have a many-to-one relation. this col is creating a one-to-many relation, causing the following problem. { "code": "PGRST201", "details": [ { "cardinality": "one-to-many", "embedding": "segments with vods", "relationship": "vods_segments_fkey using segments(id) and vods(segments)" }, { "cardinality": "many-to-one", "embedding": "segments with vods", "relationship": "segments_vod_id_fkey using segments(vod_id) and vods(id)" } ], "hint": "Try changing 'vods' to one of the following: 'vods!vods_segments_fkey', 'vods!segments_vod_id_fkey'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.", "message": "Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'segments' and 'vods'" } */ ALTER TABLE api.vods DROP COLUMN segments;