const { ButtonStyles, Client, ComponentTypes, ChannelTypes } = require("oceanic.js"); const client = new Client({ auth: `Bot ${process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN}`, gateway: { intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES"] // If the message does not start with a mention to or somehow relate to your client, you will need the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent as well } }); client.on("ready", () => console.log("Ready as", client.user.tag)); client.on("messageCreate", async (msg) => { if(msg.content.includes("!component")) { await, { content: `Here's some buttons for you, ${}.`, components: [ { // The top level component must always be an action row. // Full list of types: // type: ComponentTypes.ACTION_ROW, components: [ { // type: ComponentTypes.BUTTON, style: ButtonStyles.PRIMARY, // The style of button - full list: customID: "some-string-you-will-see-later", label: "Click!", disabled: false, // If the button is disabled, false by default. }, { type: ComponentTypes.BUTTON, style: ButtonStyles.PRIMARY, customID: "some-other-string", label: "This Is Disabled", disabled: true }, { // type: ComponentTypes.BUTTON, style: ButtonStyles.LINK, label: "Open Link", url: "" } ] }, { // The top level component must always be an action row. // Full list of types: // type: ComponentTypes.ACTION_ROW, components: [ { // type: ComponentTypes.STRING_SELECT, customID: "string-select", disabled: false, maxValues: 1, // The maximum number of values that can be selected (default 1) minValues: 1, // The minimum number of values that can be selected (default 1) options: [ // { default: true, // If this option is selected by default description: "The description of the option", // Optional description label: "Option One", value: "value-1" }, { label: "Option Two", value: "option-2" } ], placeholder: "Some Placeholder Text" } ] }, { // The top level component must always be an action row. // Full list of types: // type: ComponentTypes.ACTION_ROW, components: [ { // type: ComponentTypes.CHANNEL_SELECT, channelTypes: [ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT, ChannelTypes.GUILD_VOICE], // The types of channels that can be selected customID: "channel-select", disabled: false, maxValues: 1, // The maximum number of values that can be selected (default 1) minValues: 1, // The minimum number of values that can be selected (default 1) placeholder: "Some Placeholder Text" } ] } ] }); } }); // An error handler client.on("error", (error) => { console.error("Something went wrong:", error); }); // Connect to Discord client.connect();