import 'dotenv/config' import YoutubeDlWrap from "youtube-dl-wrap"; import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; import { AbortController } from "node-abort-controller"; import { readdir, stat } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { join } from 'node:path' import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { loggerFactory } from 'common/logger' const logger = loggerFactory({ service: 'futureporn/capture' }) const defaultStats = {segments:[],lastUpdatedAt:null} export default class Voddo extends EventEmitter { constructor(opts) { super() this.courtesyTimer = setTimeout(() => {}, 0); this.retryCount = 0; this.url = opts.url; this.format = opts.format || 'best'; this.cwd = opts.cwd; this.ytdlee; // event emitter for ytdlwrap this.stats = Object.assign({}, defaultStats); this.abortController = new AbortController(); this.ytdl = opts.ytdl || new YoutubeDlWrap(); if (process.env.YOUTUBE_DL_BINARY) this.ytdl.setBinaryPath(process.env.YOUTUBE_DL_BINARY); } static async getVideoLength (filePath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ffmpeg.ffprobe(filePath, function(err, metadata) { if (err) reject(err) resolve(Math.floor(metadata.format.duration*1000)) }); }) } // greets ChatGPT static groupStreamSegments(segments, threshold = 1000*60*60) { segments.sort((a, b) => a.startTime - b.startTime); const streams = []; let currentStream = []; for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { const currentSegment = segments[i]; const previousSegment = currentStream[currentStream.length - 1]; if (!previousSegment || currentSegment.startTime - previousSegment.endTime <= threshold) { currentStream.push(currentSegment); } else { streams.push(currentStream); currentStream = [currentSegment]; } } streams.push(currentStream); return streams; } /** * getRecordedStreams * * get the metadata of the videos captured */ async getRecordedSegments() { let f = [] const files = await readdir(this.cwd).then((raw) => raw.filter((f) => /\.mp4$/.test(f) )) for (const file of files) { const filePath = join(this.cwd, file) const s = await stat(filePath) const videoDuration = await Voddo.getVideoLength(filePath) const startTime = parseInt(s.ctimeMs) const endTime = startTime+videoDuration const size = s.size f.push({ startTime, endTime, file, size }) } this.stats.segments = f return this.stats.segments } isDownloading() { // if there are event emitter listeners for the progress event, // we are probably downloading. return ( this.ytdlee?.listeners('progress').length !== undefined ) } delayedStart() { // only for testing this.retryCount = 500 this.courtesyTimer = this.getCourtesyTimer(() => } start() { // if download is in progress, do nothing if (this.isDownloading()) { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'Doing nothing because a download is in progress.' }) return; } // if download is not in progress, start download immediately // reset the retryCount so the backoff timer resets to 1s between attempts this.retryCount = 0 clearTimeout(this.courtesyTimer) // create new abort controller //this.abortController = new AbortController() // @todo do i need this? Can't I reuse the existing this.abortController? } stop() { logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'Received stop(). Stopping.' }) clearTimeout(this.courtesyTimer) this.abortController.abort() } /** generate a report **/ getReport(errorMessage) { let report = {} report.stats = Object.assign({}, this.stats) report.error = errorMessage report.reason = (() => { if (errorMessage) return 'error'; else if (this.abortController.signal.aborted) return 'aborted'; else return 'close'; })() // clear stats to prepare for next run this.stats = Object.assign({}, defaultStats) return report } emitReport(report) { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'EMITTING REPORT' }) this.emit('stop', report) } getCourtesyTimer(callback) { // 600000ms = 10m const waitTime = Math.min(600000, (Math.pow(2, this.retryCount) * 1000)); this.retryCount += 1; logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `courtesyWait for ${waitTime/1000} seconds. (retryCount: ${this.retryCount})` }) return setTimeout(callback, waitTime) } download() { const handleProgress = (progress) => { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message:` [*] progress event` }) this.stats.lastUpdatedAt =, this.stats.totalSize = progress.totalSize } const handleError = (error) => { if (error?.message !== undefined && error.message.includes('Room is currently offline')) { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'Handled an expected \'Room is offline\' error' }) } else { logger.log({ level: 'error', message: 'ytdl error' }) logger.log({ level: 'error', message: error.message }) }'progress', handleProgress)'handleYtdlEvent', handleYtdlEvent) // restart the download after the courtesyTimeout this.courtesyTimer = this.getCourtesyTimer(() => this.emitReport(this.getReport(error.message)) } const handleYtdlEvent = (type, data) => { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `handleYtdlEvent type: ${type}, data: ${data}` }) logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `handleYtdlEvent type: ${type}, data: ${data}` }) if (type === 'download' && data.includes('Destination:')) { let filePath = /Destination:\s(.*)$/.exec(data)[1] logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `Destination file detected: ${filePath}` }) let datum = { file: filePath, timestamp: new Date().valueOf() } let segments = this.stats.segments segments.push(datum) && segments.length > 64 && segments.shift(); // limit the size of the segments array this.emit('start', datum) } else if (type === 'ffmpeg' && data.includes('bytes')) { const bytes = /(\d*)\sbytes/.exec(data)[1] logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `ffmpeg reports ${bytes}`}) let mostRecentFile = this.stats.segments[this.stats.segments.length-1] mostRecentFile['size'] = bytes logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: mostRecentFile }) } } const handleClose = () => { logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'got a close event. handling!' });'progress', handleProgress)'handleYtdlEvent', handleYtdlEvent) // restart Voddo only if the close was not due to stop() if (!this.abortController.signal.aborted) { // restart the download after the courtesyTimeout this.courtesyTimer = this.getCourtesyTimer(() => } this.emitReport(this.getReport()) } logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `Downloading url:${this.url} format:${this.format}` }) logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: JSON.stringify(this.ytdl) }) // sanity check. ensure cwd exists stat(this.cwd, (err) => { if (err) logger.log({ level: 'error', message: `Error while getting cwd stats of ${this.cwd} Does it exist?` }) }) this.ytdlee = this.ytdl.exec( [this.url, '-f', this.format], { cwd: this.cwd }, this.abortController.signal ); this.ytdlee.on('progress', handleProgress); this.ytdlee.on('youtubeDlEvent', handleYtdlEvent); this.ytdlee.once('error', handleError); this.ytdlee.once('close', handleClose); } }