import { getVtuberBySlug } from '@/lib/vtubers'; import { getAllStreamsForVtuber } from '@/lib/streams'; import NotFound from '../not-found'; import { DataRecord } from 'cal-heatmap/src/options/Options'; import { Cal } from '@/components/cal'; interface IPageProps { params: { slug: string; }; } function getArchiveStatusValue(archiveStatus: string): number { if (archiveStatus === 'good') return 2; if (archiveStatus === 'issue') return 1; else return 0 // missing } function sortDataRecordsByDate(records: DataRecord[]) { return records.sort((a, b) => { if (typeof === 'string' && typeof === 'string') { return; } else { // Handle comparison when date is not a string (e.g., when it's a number) // For instance, you might want to convert numbers to strings or use a different comparison logic. // Example assuming number to string conversion: return String(; } }); } export default async function Page({ params: { slug } }: IPageProps) { const vtuber = await getVtuberBySlug(slug); if (!vtuber) return const streams = await getAllStreamsForVtuber(; const streamsByYear: { [year: string]: DataRecord[] } = {}; streams.forEach((stream) => { const date = new Date(; const year = date.getFullYear(); if (!streamsByYear[year]) { streamsByYear[year] = []; } streamsByYear[year].push({ date: new Date(, value: stream.attributes.archiveStatus, }); }); // Sort the data records within each year's array for (const year in streamsByYear) { streamsByYear[year] = sortDataRecordsByDate(streamsByYear[year]); } return (
{Object.keys(streamsByYear).map((year) => { return (


{JSON.stringify(streamsByYear[year], null, 2)}
) })}
) }