import { simpleParser } from 'mailparser'; import { load } from 'cheerio' const definitions = [ { platform: 'chaturbate', selectors: { channel: 'td[id*="onlinemessage"] a:nth-child(1)' }, from: '', template: '' }, { platform: 'fansly', selectors: { channel: ($) => $("a[href*='/live/']").attr('href').toString().split('/').at(-1), displayName: 'div[class*="message-col"] div:nth-child(5)', userId: ($) => $("img[src*='/api/v1/account/']").attr('src').toString().split('/').at(-2), avatar: ($) => $("img[src*='/api/v1/account/']").attr('src').toString() }, from: '', template: '', regex: /https:\/\/\/live\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/ } ] function render(template, values) { // console.log(`values=${values}`) // console.log(values) return template.replace(/:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/g, (match, key) => { // Replace :channel with the corresponding property from the values object return values[key] || match; }); } /** * checkEmail * * Check an e-mail for go-live notification content. * * { isMatch, url, platform, channel, displayName, date } * * @param {String} body raw mail body * @returns {Object} result * @returns {Boolean} result.isMatch true if e-mail contains a go-live notification * @returns {String} result.url example: * @returns {String} result.platform example: fansly * @returns {String} example: projektmelody * @returns {String} result.displayName example: ProjektMelody * @returns {String} example: 2024-05-31T01:02:00.000Z * @returns {String|null} result.userId Varies by platform. Some platforms don't have the userId in the e-mail, so it's null. * fansly example: '555722198917066752' */ export async function checkEmail (body) { const mail = await simpleParser(body) if (!mail?.html) { console.log(`mail.html was not truthy. This means the e-mail was text-only mode. This also means the e-mail is not a go-live notification.`); return { isMatch: false } } let res = {} let def = definitions.find((def) => def.from === mail.from.value[0].address) if (!def) return { isMatch: false, channel: null, platform: null, url: null }; res.isMatch = true // Step 0, get values from e-mail metadata res.platform = def.platform = new Date( // Step 1, get values using CSS selectors const $ = load(mail.html) for (const s in def.selectors) { res[s] = (def.selectors[s] instanceof Object) ? def.selectors[s]($) : $(def.selectors[s]).text() } // console.log(`res.url=${res.url} res.userId=${res.userId}`) // Step 2, get values using regex & templates = (() => { if ( return; if (def.regex && res.url) return def.regex.exec(res.url).at(1); })() res.userId = res.userId || null res.avatar = res.avatar || null res.url = res.url || render(def.template, { channel: }) return res }