# # Based on wiltonsr/opentracker-docker @see https://github.com/wiltonsr/opentracker-docker/tree/main # ours uses -DWANT_DYNAMIC_ACCESSLIST for incremental whitelist updates via named pipe # FROM gcc:14 AS compile-stage ARG TINI_VERSION=v0.19.0 ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini-static /tini RUN chmod +x /tini RUN apt update ; \ apt install cvs -y RUN adduser \ --system --disabled-login \ --uid 6969 --group \ --home /etc/opentracker \ farmhand WORKDIR /usr/src # Run libowfat compilation in separated layer to benefit from docker layer cache RUN cvs -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.fefe.de:/cvs -z9 co libowfat ; \ git clone git://erdgeist.org/opentracker ; \ cd /usr/src/libowfat ; \ make # http://erdgeist.org/arts/software/opentracker/#build-instructions RUN cd /usr/src/opentracker ; \ # Build opentracker statically to use it in scratch image LDFLAGS=-static make \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_FULLSCRAPE \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_FULLLOG_NETWORKS \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_LOG_NUMWANT \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_MODEST_FULLSCRAPES \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_SPOT_WOODPECKER \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE \ FEATURES+=-DWANT_DYNAMIC_ACCESSLIST \ ;\ bash -c 'mkdir -pv /tmp/stage/{etc/opentracker,bin}' ; \ cp -v opentracker.conf.sample /tmp/stage/etc/opentracker/opentracker.conf ; \ # Opentrack configuration file sed -ri \ -e 's!(.*)(tracker.user)(.*)!\2 farmhand!g;' \ -e 's!(.*)(access.whitelist)(.*)!\2 /etc/opentracker/whitelist!g;' \ /tmp/stage/etc/opentracker/opentracker.conf ; \ install -m 755 opentracker.debug /tmp/stage/bin ; \ make DESTDIR=/tmp/stage BINDIR="/bin" install ; \ mkfifo /tmp/stage/etc/opentracker/adder.fifo FROM alpine COPY --from=compile-stage /tini / COPY --from=compile-stage /tmp/stage / COPY --from=compile-stage /etc/passwd /etc/passwd COPY ./opentracker.conf /etc/opentracker/opentracker.conf RUN chown -R 6969:6969 /etc/opentracker ; \ chmod 0664 /etc/opentracker/whitelist ; \ chmod 0664 /etc/opentracker/adder.fifo WORKDIR /etc/opentracker USER 6969 RUN touch /etc/opentracker/whitelist RUN ls -lash /etc/opentracker/ EXPOSE 6969/udp EXPOSE 6969/tcp HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=3s --retries=5 \ CMD curl -f http://localhost:6969/stats || exit 1 ENTRYPOINT ["/tini", "--", "/bin/opentracker"] CMD ["-f", "/etc/opentracker/opentracker.conf"]