# windmill root values block windmill: # domain as shown in browser, this is used together with `baseProtocol` as part of the BASE_URL environment variable in app and worker container and in the ingress resource, if enabled baseDomain: windmill baseProtocol: http # postgres URI, pods will crashloop if database is unreachable, sets DATABASE_URL environment variable in app and worker container databaseUrl: postgres://postgres:windmill@windmill-postgresql/windmill?sslmode=disable # replica for the application app appReplicas: 2 # replicas for the workers, jobs are executed on the workers lspReplicas: 2 workerGroups: # The default worker group is the one that will execute jobs with any taggs except the native ones. Windmill has a default worker group configuration for it - name: "default" replicas: 2 # -- Annotations to apply to the pods annotations: {} # -- Labels to apply to the pods labels: {} # -- Node selector to use for scheduling the pods nodeSelector: {} # -- Tolerations to apply to the pods tolerations: [] # -- Affinity rules to apply to the pods affinity: {} # -- Resource limits and requests for the pods resources: requests: memory: "1028Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "2048Mi" cpu: "1000m" # -- Extra environment variables to apply to the pods extraEnv: [] # -- Extra sidecar containers extraContainers: [] # Thenative worker group will only execute native jobs. Windmill has a default worker group configuration for it - name: "native" replicas: 3 # -- Resource limits and requests for the pods resources: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "200m" # -- Extra environment variables to apply to the pods extraEnv: [] # -- Extra sidecar containers extraContainers: [] - name: "gpu" replicas: 0 # Use those to override the tag or image used for the app and worker containers. Windmill uses the same image for both. # By default, if enterprise is enable, the image is set to ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill-ee, otherwise the image is set to ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill #tag: "mytag" #image: "ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill" # enable postgres (bitnami) on kubernetes postgresql: enabled: true # enable minio (bitnami) on kubernetes minio: enabled: false # Configure Ingress # ingress: # className: "" # enable enterprise features enterprise: # -- enable windmill enterprise, requires license key. enabled: false