CJ_Clippy 287321bb1e
Some checks failed
ci / build (push) Has been cancelled
differentiate services vs packages
2024-07-27 16:42:09 -08:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

const { sub, add } = require('date-fns');
module.exports = {
async up(knex) {
console.log(`MIGRATION-- 2023-12-27-relate-vods-to-streams.js`);
// Get all VODs from the database
const vods = await knex.select('*').from('vods');
// For each VOD, associate it with the stream with the nearest date (if not already associated)
for (const [index, vod] of vods.entries()) {
const existingAssociation = await knex('vods_stream_links')
.where({ vod_id: vod.id })
if (!existingAssociation) {
// get nearest stream within +/- 3 hours
const date2 = new Date(vod.date_2);
const startDate = sub(date2, { hours: 3 })
const endDate = add(date2, { hours: 3 });
console.log(`vod.id=${vod.id}, vod.date_2=${vod.date_2}, date2=${date2}, startDate=${startDate}, endDate=${endDate}`)
const stream = await knex('streams')
.whereBetween('date', [startDate, endDate])
await knex('vods_stream_links').insert({
stream_id: stream.id,
vod_id: vod.id,
vod_order: 1,