CJ_Clippy aa75c224fc
Some checks failed
ci / build (push) Failing after 23m29s
ci / Tests & Checks (push) Failing after 3m32s
move services/bright to apps/bright
2025-02-10 08:16:50 -08:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetify-com/devbox/0.12.0/.schema/devbox.schema.json",
"packages": [
"env": {
"ENV": "development",
"KUBECONFIG": "$HOME/.kube/futureporn.yaml",
"VENV_DIR": ".venv"
"shell": {
"init_hook": [
"echo Welcome to Futureporn devbox",
". $VENV_DIR/bin/activate",
"pip install -r requirements.txt"
"scripts": {
"test": [
"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"tunnel": "dotenvx run -f ./.kamal/secrets.development -- chisel client bright.fp.sbtp.xyz:9090 R:4000",
"backup": "docker exec -t postgres_db pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > ./backups/dev_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S`.sql",
"act": "act -W ./.gitea/workflows --secret-file .kamal/secrets.development",
"bright:compile:watch": "cd ./apps/bright && find . -type f -name \"*.ex\" -o -name \"*.exs\" | entr -r mix compile --warnings-as-errors",
"bright:compile:watch2": "cd ./apps/bright && pnpx chokidar-cli \"**/*\" -i \"deps/**\" -i \"_build/**\" -c \"mix compile --warnings-as-errors\"",
"bright:dev": "cd ./apps/bright && dotenvx run -f ../../.kamal/secrets.development -e MIX_ENV=dev -- mix phx.server",
"bright:test:unit:watch": "cd ./apps/bright && pnpx chokidar-cli '**/*' -i \"deps/**\" -i '_build/**' -c 'mix test --only=unit'",
"bright:act": "cd ./apps/bright && act --env MIX_ENV=test -W ./.gitea/workflows/tests.yaml --secret-file .kamal/secrets.development"