CJ_Clippy 4d65294f7d
Some checks failed
ci / build (push) Failing after 1s
move fetchers to their own package
2024-09-05 21:39:08 -08:00
2024-08-26 23:11:24 -08:00
2024-08-16 18:42:44 -08:00

Task names uses underscores because graphile_worker expects them to be that way because graphile_worker interfaces with Postgresql which uses lowercase and numberscores.

Add job via SQL

SELECT graphile_worker.add_job('process_stream_recording', max_attempts := 3);

complete/cancel a job via SQL

SELECT * FROM graphile_worker.complete_jobs(ARRAY[7, 99, 38674, ...]);

cancel all jobs

SELECT * FROM graphile_worker.complete_jobs(
  ARRAY(SELECT id FROM graphile_worker.jobs)