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Bitnami package for Keycloak

Keycloak is a high performance Java-based identity and access management solution. It lets developers add an authentication layer to their applications with minimum effort.

Overview of Keycloak

Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies, and use of them does not imply any affiliation or endorsement.


helm install my-release oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/keycloak

Looking to use Keycloak in production? Try VMware Tanzu Application Catalog, the commercial edition of the Bitnami catalog.


Bitnami charts for Helm are carefully engineered, actively maintained and are the quickest and easiest way to deploy containers on a Kubernetes cluster that are ready to handle production workloads.

This chart bootstraps a Keycloak deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

Bitnami charts can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters.


  • Kubernetes 1.23+
  • Helm 3.8.0+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install my-release oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/keycloak

Note: You need to substitute the placeholders REGISTRY_NAME and REPOSITORY_NAME with a reference to your Helm chart registry and repository. For example, in the case of Bitnami, you need to use REGISTRY_NAME=registry-1.docker.io and REPOSITORY_NAME=bitnamicharts.

These commands deploy a Keycloak application on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Configuration and installation details

Resource requests and limits

Bitnami charts allow setting resource requests and limits for all containers inside the chart deployment. These are inside the resources value (check parameter table). Setting requests is essential for production workloads and these should be adapted to your specific use case.

To make this process easier, the chart contains the resourcesPreset values, which automatically sets the resources section according to different presets. Check these presets in the bitnami/common chart. However, in production workloads using resourcePreset is discouraged as it may not fully adapt to your specific needs. Find more information on container resource management in the official Kubernetes documentation.

Rolling vs Immutable tags

It is strongly recommended to use immutable tags in a production environment. This ensures your deployment does not change automatically if the same tag is updated with a different image.

Bitnami will release a new chart updating its containers if a new version of the main container, significant changes, or critical vulnerabilities exist.

Use an external database

Sometimes, you may want to have Keycloak connect to an external PostgreSQL database rather than a database within your cluster - for example, when using a managed database service, or when running a single database server for all your applications. To do this, set the postgresql.enabled parameter to false and specify the credentials for the external database using the externalDatabase.* parameters. Here is an example:


NOTE: Only PostgreSQL database server is supported as external database

It is not supported but possible to run Keycloak with an external MSSQL database with the following settings:

  host: "mssql.example.com"
  port: 1433
  user: keycloak
  database: keycloak
  existingSecret: passwords
  - name: KC_DB # override values from the conf file
    value: 'mssql'
  - name: KC_DB_URL
    value: 'jdbc:sqlserver://mssql.example.com:1433;databaseName=keycloak;'

Importing and exporting a realm

Importing a realm

You can import a realm by setting the KEYCLOAK_EXTRA_ARGS to contain the --import-realm argument.

This will import all *.json under /opt/bitnami/keycloak/data/import files as a realm into keycloak as per the official documentation here. You can supply the files by mounting a volume e.g. with docker compose as follows:

  image: bitnami/keycloak:latest
    - /local/path/to/realms/folder:/opt/bitnami/keycloak/data/import

Exporting a realm

You can export a realm through the GUI but it will not export users even the option is set, this is a known keycloak bug.

By using the kc.sh script you can export a realm with users. Be sure to mount the export folder to a local folder:

  image: bitnami/keycloak:latest
    - /local/path/to/export/folder:/export

Then open a terminal in the running keycloak container and run:

kc.sh export --dir /export/ --users realm_file

This will export the all the realms with users to the /export folder.

Configure Ingress

This chart provides support for Ingress resources. If you have an ingress controller installed on your cluster, such as nginx-ingress-controller or contour you can utilize the ingress controller to serve your application.To enable Ingress integration, set ingress.enabled to true.

The most common scenario is to have one host name mapped to the deployment. In this case, the ingress.hostname property can be used to set the host name. The ingress.tls parameter can be used to add the TLS configuration for this host.

However, it is also possible to have more than one host. To facilitate this, the ingress.extraHosts parameter (if available) can be set with the host names specified as an array. The ingress.extraTLS parameter (if available) can also be used to add the TLS configuration for extra hosts.

NOTE: For each host specified in the ingress.extraHosts parameter, it is necessary to set a name, path, and any annotations that the Ingress controller should know about. Not all annotations are supported by all Ingress controllers, but this annotation reference document lists the annotations supported by many popular Ingress controllers.

Adding the TLS parameter (where available) will cause the chart to generate HTTPS URLs, and the application will be available on port 443. The actual TLS secrets do not have to be generated by this chart. However, if TLS is enabled, the Ingress record will not work until the TLS secret exists.

Learn more about Ingress controllers.

Configure admin Ingress

In addition to the Ingress resource described above, this chart also provides the ability to define an Ingress for the admin area of Keycloak, for example the master realm.

For this scenario, you can use the Keycloak Config CLI integration with the following values, where keycloak-admin.example.com is to be replaced by the actual hostname:

  enabled: true
  hostname: keycloak-admin.example.com
  enabled: true
    master.json: |
        "realm" : "master",
        "attributes": {
          "frontendUrl": "https://keycloak-admin.example.com"

Configure TLS Secrets for use with Ingress

This chart facilitates the creation of TLS secrets for use with the Ingress controller (although this is not mandatory). There are several common use cases:

  • Generate certificate secrets based on chart parameters.
  • Enable externally generated certificates.
  • Manage application certificates via an external service (like cert-manager).
  • Create self-signed certificates within the chart (if supported).

In the first two cases, a certificate and a key are needed. Files are expected in .pem format.

Here is an example of a certificate file:

NOTE: There may be more than one certificate if there is a certificate chain.


Here is an example of a certificate key:

  • If using Helm to manage the certificates based on the parameters, copy these values into the certificate and key values for a given *.ingress.secrets entry.
  • If managing TLS secrets separately, it is necessary to create a TLS secret with name INGRESS_HOSTNAME-tls (where INGRESS_HOSTNAME is a placeholder to be replaced with the hostname you set using the *.ingress.hostname parameter).
  • If your cluster has a cert-manager add-on to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates, add to *.ingress.annotations the corresponding ones for cert-manager.
  • If using self-signed certificates created by Helm, set both *.ingress.tls and *.ingress.selfSigned to true.

Use with ingress offloading SSL

If your ingress controller has the SSL Termination, you should set proxy to edge.

Manage secrets and passwords

This chart provides several ways to manage passwords:

  • Values passed to the chart: In this scenario, a new secret including all the passwords will be created during the chart installation. When upgrading, it is necessary to provide the secrets to the chart as shown below. Replace the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD, POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD and POSTGRESQL_PVC placeholders with the correct passwords and PVC name.
helm upgrade keycloak bitnami/keycloak \
  --set auth.adminPassword=KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD \
  --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD \
  --set postgresql.persistence.existingClaim=POSTGRESQL_PVC
  • An existing secret with all the passwords via the existingSecret parameter.

Add extra environment variables

In case you want to add extra environment variables (useful for advanced operations like custom init scripts), you can use the extraEnvVars property.

    value: DEBUG

Alternatively, you can use a ConfigMap or a Secret with the environment variables. To do so, use the extraEnvVarsCM or the extraEnvVarsSecret values.

Use Sidecars and Init Containers

If additional containers are needed in the same pod (such as additional metrics or logging exporters), they can be defined using the sidecars config parameter.

- name: your-image-name
  image: your-image
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  - name: portname
    containerPort: 1234

If these sidecars export extra ports, extra port definitions can be added using the service.extraPorts parameter (where available), as shown in the example below:

  - name: extraPort
    port: 11311
    targetPort: 11311

NOTE: This Helm chart already includes sidecar containers for the Prometheus exporters (where applicable). These can be activated by adding the --enable-metrics=true parameter at deployment time. The sidecars parameter should therefore only be used for any extra sidecar containers.

If additional init containers are needed in the same pod, they can be defined using the initContainers parameter. Here is an example:

  - name: your-image-name
    image: your-image
    imagePullPolicy: Always
      - name: portname
        containerPort: 1234

Learn more about sidecar containers and init containers.

Initialize a fresh instance

The Bitnami Keycloak image allows you to use your custom scripts to initialize a fresh instance. In order to execute the scripts, you can specify custom scripts using the initdbScripts parameter as dict.

In addition to this option, you can also set an external ConfigMap with all the initialization scripts. This is done by setting the initdbScriptsConfigMap parameter. Note that this will override the previous option.

The allowed extensions is .sh.

Deploy extra resources

There are cases where you may want to deploy extra objects, such a ConfigMap containing your app's configuration or some extra deployment with a micro service used by your app. For covering this case, the chart allows adding the full specification of other objects using the extraDeploy parameter.

Set Pod affinity

This chart allows you to set your custom affinity using the affinity parameter. Find more information about Pod's affinity in the kubernetes documentation.

As an alternative, you can use of the preset configurations for pod affinity, pod anti-affinity, and node affinity available at the bitnami/common chart. To do so, set the podAffinityPreset, podAntiAffinityPreset, or nodeAffinityPreset parameters.


Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry ""
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array []
global.defaultStorageClass Global default StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s) ""
global.storageClass DEPRECATED: use global.defaultStorageClass instead ""
global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext Adapt the securityContext sections of the deployment to make them compatible with Openshift restricted-v2 SCC: remove runAsUser, runAsGroup and fsGroup and let the platform use their allowed default IDs. Possible values: auto (apply if the detected running cluster is Openshift), force (perform the adaptation always), disabled (do not perform adaptation) auto

Common parameters

Name Description Value
kubeVersion Force target Kubernetes version (using Helm capabilities if not set) ""
nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname ""
namespaceOverride String to fully override common.names.namespace ""
commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}
enableServiceLinks If set to false, disable Kubernetes service links in the pod spec true
commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}
dnsPolicy DNS Policy for pod ""
dnsConfig DNS Configuration pod {}
clusterDomain Default Kubernetes cluster domain cluster.local
extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release []
diagnosticMode.enabled Enable diagnostic mode (all probes will be disabled and the command will be overridden) false
diagnosticMode.command Command to override all containers in the the statefulset ["sleep"]
diagnosticMode.args Args to override all containers in the the statefulset ["infinity"]

Keycloak parameters

Name Description Value
image.registry Keycloak image registry REGISTRY_NAME
image.repository Keycloak image repository REPOSITORY_NAME/keycloak
image.digest Keycloak image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ""
image.pullPolicy Keycloak image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array []
image.debug Specify if debug logs should be enabled false
auth.adminUser Keycloak administrator user user
auth.adminPassword Keycloak administrator password for the new user ""
auth.existingSecret Existing secret containing Keycloak admin password ""
auth.passwordSecretKey Key where the Keycloak admin password is being stored inside the existing secret. ""
auth.annotations Additional custom annotations for Keycloak auth secret object {}
customCaExistingSecret Name of the secret containing the Keycloak custom CA certificates. The secret will be mounted as a directory and configured using KC_TRUSTSTORE_PATHS. ""
tls.enabled Enable TLS encryption. Required for HTTPs traffic. false
tls.autoGenerated Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates. Currently only supports PEM certificates false
tls.existingSecret Existing secret containing the TLS certificates per Keycloak replica ""
tls.usePem Use PEM certificates as input instead of PKS12/JKS stores false
tls.truststoreFilename Truststore filename inside the existing secret keycloak.truststore.jks
tls.keystoreFilename Keystore filename inside the existing secret keycloak.keystore.jks
tls.keystorePassword Password to access the keystore when it's password-protected ""
tls.truststorePassword Password to access the truststore when it's password-protected ""
tls.passwordsSecret Secret containing the Keystore and Truststore passwords. ""
spi.existingSecret Existing secret containing the Keycloak truststore for SPI connection over HTTPS/TLS ""
spi.truststorePassword Password to access the truststore when it's password-protected ""
spi.truststoreFilename Truststore filename inside the existing secret keycloak-spi.truststore.jks
spi.passwordsSecret Secret containing the SPI Truststore passwords. ""
spi.hostnameVerificationPolicy Verify the hostname of the server's certificate. Allowed values: "ANY", "WILDCARD", "STRICT". ""
adminRealm Name of the admin realm master
production Run Keycloak in production mode. TLS configuration is required except when using proxy=edge. false
proxyHeaders Set Keycloak proxy headers ""
proxy reverse Proxy mode edge, reencrypt, passthrough or none ""
httpRelativePath Set the path relative to '/' for serving resources. Useful if you are migrating from older version which were using '/auth/' /
configuration Keycloak Configuration. Auto-generated based on other parameters when not specified ""
existingConfigmap Name of existing ConfigMap with Keycloak configuration ""
extraStartupArgs Extra default startup args ""
enableDefaultInitContainers Deploy default init containers true
initdbScripts Dictionary of initdb scripts {}
initdbScriptsConfigMap ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides initdbScripts) ""
command Override default container command (useful when using custom images) []
args Override default container args (useful when using custom images) []
extraEnvVars Extra environment variables to be set on Keycloak container []
extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars ""
extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing extra env vars ""

Keycloak statefulset parameters

Name Description Value
replicaCount Number of Keycloak replicas to deploy 1
revisionHistoryLimitCount Number of controller revisions to keep 10
containerPorts.http Keycloak HTTP container port 8080
containerPorts.https Keycloak HTTPS container port 8443
containerPorts.metrics Keycloak metrics container port 9000
extraContainerPorts Optionally specify extra list of additional port-mappings for Keycloak container []
statefulsetAnnotations Optionally add extra annotations on the statefulset resource {}
podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled Keycloak pods' Security Context true
podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Set filesystem group change policy Always
podSecurityContext.sysctls Set kernel settings using the sysctl interface []
podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups Set filesystem extra groups []
podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Keycloak pod's Security Context fsGroup 1001
containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled containers' Security Context true
containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions Set SELinux options in container {}
containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set containers' Security Context runAsUser 1001
containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup Set containers' Security Context runAsGroup 1001
containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set container's Security Context runAsNonRoot true
containerSecurityContext.privileged Set container's Security Context privileged false
containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem Set container's Security Context readOnlyRootFilesystem true
containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Set container's Security Context allowPrivilegeEscalation false
containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop List of capabilities to be dropped ["ALL"]
containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type Set container's Security Context seccomp profile RuntimeDefault
resourcesPreset Set container resources according to one common preset (allowed values: none, nano, micro, small, medium, large, xlarge, 2xlarge). This is ignored if resources is set (resources is recommended for production). small
resources Set container requests and limits for different resources like CPU or memory (essential for production workloads) {}
livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Keycloak containers true
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe 300
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe 5
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe 3
livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe 1
readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Keycloak containers true
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe 30
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe 10
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe 3
readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe 1
startupProbe.enabled Enable startupProbe on Keycloak containers false
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for startupProbe 30
startupProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for startupProbe 5
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for startupProbe 1
startupProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for startupProbe 60
startupProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for startupProbe 1
customLivenessProbe Custom Liveness probes for Keycloak {}
customReadinessProbe Custom Rediness probes Keycloak {}
customStartupProbe Custom Startup probes for Keycloak {}
lifecycleHooks LifecycleHooks to set additional configuration at startup {}
automountServiceAccountToken Mount Service Account token in pod true
hostAliases Deployment pod host aliases []
podLabels Extra labels for Keycloak pods {}
podAnnotations Annotations for Keycloak pods {}
podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard ""
podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard soft
nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard ""
nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match. Ignored if affinity is set. ""
nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if affinity is set. []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
topologySpreadConstraints Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment spread across your cluster among failure-domains. Evaluated as a template []
podManagementPolicy Pod management policy for the Keycloak statefulset Parallel
priorityClassName Keycloak pods' Priority Class Name ""
schedulerName Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork". ""
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Seconds Keycloak pod needs to terminate gracefully ""
updateStrategy.type Keycloak statefulset strategy type RollingUpdate
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate Keycloak statefulset rolling update configuration parameters {}
minReadySeconds How many seconds a pod needs to be ready before killing the next, during update 0
extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for Keycloak pods []
extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for Keycloak container(s) []
initContainers Add additional init containers to the Keycloak pods []
sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Keycloak pods []

Exposure parameters

Name Description Value
service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
service.http.enabled Enable http port on service true
service.ports.http Keycloak service HTTP port 80
service.ports.https Keycloak service HTTPS port 443
service.nodePorts Specify the nodePort values for the LoadBalancer and NodePort service types. {}
service.sessionAffinity Control where client requests go, to the same pod or round-robin None
service.sessionAffinityConfig Additional settings for the sessionAffinity {}
service.clusterIP Keycloak service clusterIP IP ""
service.loadBalancerIP loadBalancerIP for the SuiteCRM Service (optional, cloud specific) ""
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Address that are allowed when service is LoadBalancer []
service.externalTrafficPolicy Enable client source IP preservation Cluster
service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Keycloak service {}
service.extraPorts Extra port to expose on Keycloak service []
service.extraHeadlessPorts Extra ports to expose on Keycloak headless service []
service.headless.annotations Annotations for the headless service. {}
service.headless.extraPorts Extra ports to expose on Keycloak headless service []
ingress.enabled Enable ingress record generation for Keycloak false
ingress.ingressClassName IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+) ""
ingress.pathType Ingress path type ImplementationSpecific
ingress.apiVersion Force Ingress API version (automatically detected if not set) ""
ingress.controller The ingress controller type. Currently supports default and gce default
ingress.hostname Default host for the ingress record (evaluated as template) keycloak.local
ingress.hostnameStrict Disables dynamically resolving the hostname from request headers. false
ingress.path Default path for the ingress record (evaluated as template) ""
ingress.servicePort Backend service port to use http
ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. {}
ingress.labels Additional labels for the Ingress resource. {}
ingress.tls Enable TLS configuration for the host defined at ingress.hostname parameter false
ingress.selfSigned Create a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helm false
ingress.extraHosts An array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record []
ingress.extraPaths Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host. []
ingress.extraTls The tls configuration for additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. []
ingress.secrets If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets []
ingress.extraRules Additional rules to be covered with this ingress record []
adminIngress.enabled Enable admin ingress record generation for Keycloak false
adminIngress.ingressClassName IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+) ""
adminIngress.pathType Ingress path type ImplementationSpecific
adminIngress.apiVersion Force Ingress API version (automatically detected if not set) ""
adminIngress.controller The ingress controller type. Currently supports default and gce default
adminIngress.hostname Default host for the admin ingress record (evaluated as template) keycloak.local
adminIngress.path Default path for the admin ingress record (evaluated as template) ""
adminIngress.servicePort Backend service port to use http
adminIngress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. {}
adminIngress.labels Additional labels for the Ingress resource. {}
adminIngress.tls Enable TLS configuration for the host defined at adminIngress.hostname parameter false
adminIngress.selfSigned Create a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helm false
adminIngress.extraHosts An array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the admin ingress record []
adminIngress.extraPaths Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the admin ingress under the main host. []
adminIngress.extraTls The tls configuration for additional hostnames to be covered with this ingress record. []
adminIngress.secrets If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets []
adminIngress.extraRules Additional rules to be covered with this ingress record []
networkPolicy.enabled Specifies whether a NetworkPolicy should be created true
networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require server label for connections true
networkPolicy.allowExternalEgress Allow the pod to access any range of port and all destinations. true
networkPolicy.kubeAPIServerPorts List of possible endpoints to kube-apiserver (limit to your cluster settings to increase security) []
networkPolicy.extraIngress Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy []
networkPolicy.extraEgress Add extra ingress rules to the NetworkPolicy []
networkPolicy.ingressNSMatchLabels Labels to match to allow traffic from other namespaces {}
networkPolicy.ingressNSPodMatchLabels Pod labels to match to allow traffic from other namespaces {}

RBAC parameter

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Keycloak pods true
serviceAccount.name Name of the created ServiceAccount ""
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Auto-mount the service account token in the pod false
serviceAccount.annotations Additional custom annotations for the ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.extraLabels Additional labels for the ServiceAccount {}
rbac.create Whether to create and use RBAC resources or not false
rbac.rules Custom RBAC rules []

Other parameters

Name Description Value
pdb.create Enable/disable a Pod Disruption Budget creation true
pdb.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled ""
pdb.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable ""
autoscaling.enabled Enable autoscaling for Keycloak false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of Keycloak replicas 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of Keycloak replicas 11
autoscaling.targetCPU Target CPU utilization percentage ""
autoscaling.targetMemory Target Memory utilization percentage ""
autoscaling.behavior.scaleUp.stabilizationWindowSeconds The number of seconds for which past recommendations should be considered while scaling up 120
autoscaling.behavior.scaleUp.selectPolicy The priority of policies that the autoscaler will apply when scaling up Max
autoscaling.behavior.scaleUp.policies HPA scaling policies when scaling up []
autoscaling.behavior.scaleDown.stabilizationWindowSeconds The number of seconds for which past recommendations should be considered while scaling down 300
autoscaling.behavior.scaleDown.selectPolicy The priority of policies that the autoscaler will apply when scaling down Max
autoscaling.behavior.scaleDown.policies HPA scaling policies when scaling down []

Metrics parameters

Name Description Value
metrics.enabled Enable exposing Keycloak statistics false
metrics.service.ports.http Metrics service HTTP port 8080
metrics.service.ports.https Metrics service HTTPS port 8443
metrics.service.ports.metrics Metrics service Metrics port 9000
metrics.service.annotations Annotations for enabling prometheus to access the metrics endpoints {}
metrics.service.extraPorts Add additional ports to the keycloak metrics service (i.e. admin port 9000) []
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor Resource for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator false
metrics.serviceMonitor.port Metrics service HTTP port metrics
metrics.serviceMonitor.scheme Metrics service scheme http
metrics.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig Metrics service TLS configuration {}
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpoints The endpoint configuration of the ServiceMonitor. Path is mandatory. Port, scheme, tlsConfig, interval, timeout and labellings can be overwritten. []
metrics.serviceMonitor.path Metrics service HTTP path. Deprecated: Use @param metrics.serviceMonitor.endpoints instead ""
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace which Prometheus is running in ""
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped 30s
metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Specify the timeout after which the scrape is ended ""
metrics.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus {}
metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Prometheus instance selector labels {}
metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping []
metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion []
metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels honorLabels chooses the metric's labels on collisions with target labels false
metrics.serviceMonitor.jobLabel The name of the label on the target service to use as the job name in prometheus. ""
metrics.prometheusRule.enabled Create PrometheusRule Resource for scraping metrics using PrometheusOperator false
metrics.prometheusRule.namespace Namespace which Prometheus is running in ""
metrics.prometheusRule.labels Additional labels that can be used so PrometheusRule will be discovered by Prometheus {}
metrics.prometheusRule.groups Groups, containing the alert rules. []

keycloak-config-cli parameters

Name Description Value
keycloakConfigCli.enabled Whether to enable keycloak-config-cli job false
keycloakConfigCli.image.registry keycloak-config-cli container image registry REGISTRY_NAME
keycloakConfigCli.image.repository keycloak-config-cli container image repository REPOSITORY_NAME/keycloak-config-cli
keycloakConfigCli.image.digest keycloak-config-cli container image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ""
keycloakConfigCli.image.pullPolicy keycloak-config-cli container image pull policy IfNotPresent
keycloakConfigCli.image.pullSecrets keycloak-config-cli container image pull secrets []
keycloakConfigCli.annotations Annotations for keycloak-config-cli job {}
keycloakConfigCli.command Command for running the container (set to default if not set). Use array form []
keycloakConfigCli.args Args for running the container (set to default if not set). Use array form []
keycloakConfigCli.automountServiceAccountToken Mount Service Account token in pod true
keycloakConfigCli.hostAliases Job pod host aliases []
keycloakConfigCli.resourcesPreset Set container resources according to one common preset (allowed values: none, nano, micro, small, medium, large, xlarge, 2xlarge). This is ignored if keycloakConfigCli.resources is set (keycloakConfigCli.resources is recommended for production). small
keycloakConfigCli.resources Set container requests and limits for different resources like CPU or memory (essential for production workloads) {}
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enabled keycloak-config-cli Security Context true
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.seLinuxOptions Set SELinux options in container {}
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context runAsUser 1001
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.runAsGroup Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context runAsGroup 1001
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context runAsNonRoot true
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.privileged Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context privileged false
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context readOnlyRootFilesystem true
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context allowPrivilegeEscalation false
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop List of capabilities to be dropped ["ALL"]
keycloakConfigCli.containerSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type Set keycloak-config-cli Security Context seccomp profile RuntimeDefault
keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.enabled Enabled keycloak-config-cli pods' Security Context true
keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Set filesystem group change policy Always
keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.sysctls Set kernel settings using the sysctl interface []
keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups Set filesystem extra groups []
keycloakConfigCli.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set keycloak-config-cli pod's Security Context fsGroup 1001
keycloakConfigCli.backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed 1
keycloakConfigCli.podLabels Pod extra labels {}
keycloakConfigCli.podAnnotations Annotations for job pod {}
keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVars Additional environment variables to set []
keycloakConfigCli.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
keycloakConfigCli.podTolerations Tolerations for job pod assignment []
keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVarsCM ConfigMap with extra environment variables ""
keycloakConfigCli.extraEnvVarsSecret Secret with extra environment variables ""
keycloakConfigCli.extraVolumes Extra volumes to add to the job []
keycloakConfigCli.extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts to add to the container []
keycloakConfigCli.initContainers Add additional init containers to the Keycloak config cli pod []
keycloakConfigCli.sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Keycloak config cli pod []
keycloakConfigCli.configuration keycloak-config-cli realms configuration {}
keycloakConfigCli.existingConfigmap ConfigMap with keycloak-config-cli configuration ""
keycloakConfigCli.cleanupAfterFinished.enabled Enables Cleanup for Finished Jobs false
keycloakConfigCli.cleanupAfterFinished.seconds Sets the value of ttlSecondsAfterFinished 600

Database parameters

Name Description Value
postgresql.enabled Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart true
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword Password for the "postgres" admin user. Ignored if auth.existingSecret with key postgres-password is provided ""
postgresql.auth.username Name for a custom user to create bn_keycloak
postgresql.auth.password Password for the custom user to create ""
postgresql.auth.database Name for a custom database to create bitnami_keycloak
postgresql.auth.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials ""
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey Name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials. Only used when auth.existingSecret is set. password
postgresql.architecture PostgreSQL architecture (standalone or replication) standalone
externalDatabase.host Database host ""
externalDatabase.port Database port number 5432
externalDatabase.user Non-root username for Keycloak bn_keycloak
externalDatabase.password Password for the non-root username for Keycloak ""
externalDatabase.database Keycloak database name bitnami_keycloak
externalDatabase.existingSecret Name of an existing secret resource containing the database credentials ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretHostKey Name of an existing secret key containing the database host name ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretPortKey Name of an existing secret key containing the database port ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretUserKey Name of an existing secret key containing the database user ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretDatabaseKey Name of an existing secret key containing the database name ""
externalDatabase.existingSecretPasswordKey Name of an existing secret key containing the database credentials ""
externalDatabase.annotations Additional custom annotations for external database secret object {}

Keycloak Cache parameters

Name Description Value
cache.enabled Switch to enable or disable the keycloak distributed cache for kubernetes. true
cache.stackName Set infinispan cache stack to use kubernetes
cache.stackFile Set infinispan cache stack filename to use ""

Keycloak Logging parameters

Name Description Value
logging.output Alternates between the default log output format or json format default
logging.level Allowed values as documented: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL, OFF INFO

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

helm install my-release --set auth.adminPassword=secretpassword oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/keycloak

Note: You need to substitute the placeholders REGISTRY_NAME and REPOSITORY_NAME with a reference to your Helm chart registry and repository. For example, in the case of Bitnami, you need to use REGISTRY_NAME=registry-1.docker.io and REPOSITORY_NAME=bitnamicharts.

The above command sets the Keycloak administrator password to secretpassword.

NOTE: Once this chart is deployed, it is not possible to change the application's access credentials, such as usernames or passwords, using Helm. To change these application credentials after deployment, delete any persistent volumes (PVs) used by the chart and re-deploy it, or use the application's built-in administrative tools if available.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install my-release -f values.yaml oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/keycloak

Note: You need to substitute the placeholders REGISTRY_NAME and REPOSITORY_NAME with a reference to your Helm chart registry and repository. For example, in the case of Bitnami, you need to use REGISTRY_NAME=registry-1.docker.io and REPOSITORY_NAME=bitnamicharts. Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Keycloak realms, users and clients can be created from the Keycloak administration panel.


Find more information about how to deal with common errors related to Bitnami's Helm charts in this troubleshooting guide.


To 24.1.0

With this update the metrics service listening port is switched to 9000, the same as the keycloak management endpoint is using. This can be changed by setting metrics.service.ports.http to a different value, e.g. 8080 like before this change.

To 23.0.0

This major updates the PostgreSQL subchart to its newest major, 16.0.0, which uses PostgreSQL 17.x. Follow the official instructions to upgrade to 17.x.

To 21.0.0

This major release updates the keycloak branch to its newest major, 24.x.x. Follow the upstream documentation for upgrade instructions.

To 20.0.0

This major bump changes the following security defaults:

  • runAsGroup is changed from 0 to 1001
  • readOnlyRootFilesystem is set to true
  • resourcesPreset is changed from none to the minimum size working in our test suites (NOTE: resourcesPreset is not meant for production usage, but resources adapted to your use case).
  • global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext is changed from disabled to auto.

This could potentially break any customization or init scripts used in your deployment. If this is the case, change the default values to the previous ones.

To 19.0.0

This major release bumps the PostgreSQL chart version to 14.x.x; no major issues are expected during the upgrade.

To 17.0.0

This major updates the PostgreSQL subchart to its newest major, 13.0.0. Here you can find more information about the changes introduced in that version.

To 15.0.0

This major updates the default serviceType from LoadBalancer to ClusterIP to avoid inadvertently exposing Keycloak directly to the internet without an Ingress.

To 12.0.0

This major updates the PostgreSQL subchart to its newest major, 12.0.0. Here you can find more information about the changes introduced in that version.

To 10.0.0

This major release updates Keycloak to its major version 19. Please, refer to the official Keycloak migration documentation for a complete list of changes and further information.

To 9.0.0

This major release updates Keycloak to its major version 18. Please, refer to the official Keycloak migration documentation for a complete list of changes and further information.

To 8.0.0

This major release updates Keycloak to its major version 17. Among other features, this new version has deprecated WildFly in favor of Quarkus, which introduces breaking changes like:

  • Removal of /auth from the default context path.
  • Changes in the configuration and deployment of custom providers.
  • Significant changes in configuring Keycloak.

Please, refer to the official Keycloak migration documentation and Migrating to Quarkus distribution document for a complete list of changes and further information.

To 7.0.0

This major release updates the PostgreSQL subchart to its newest major 11.x.x, which contain several changes in the supported values (check the upgrade notes to obtain more information).

Upgrading Instructions

To upgrade to 7.0.0 from 6.x, it should be done reusing the PVC(s) used to hold the data on your previous release. To do so, follow the instructions below (the following example assumes that the release name is keycloak and the release namespace default):

  1. Obtain the credentials and the names of the PVCs used to hold the data on your current release:
export KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default keycloak -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode)
export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default keycloak-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
export POSTGRESQL_PVC=$(kubectl get pvc -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=keycloak,app.kubernetes.io/name=postgresql,role=primary -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  1. Delete the PostgreSQL statefulset (notice the option --cascade=false) and secret:
kubectl delete statefulsets.apps --cascade=false keycloak-postgresql
kubectl delete secret keycloak-postgresql --namespace default
  1. Upgrade your release using the same PostgreSQL version:
CURRENT_PG_VERSION=$(kubectl exec keycloak-postgresql-0 -- bash -c 'echo $BITNAMI_IMAGE_VERSION')
helm upgrade keycloak bitnami/keycloak \
  --set auth.adminPassword=$KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD \
  --set postgresql.image.tag=$CURRENT_PG_VERSION \
  --set postgresql.auth.password=$POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD \
  --set postgresql.persistence.existingClaim=$POSTGRESQL_PVC
  1. Delete the existing PostgreSQL pods and the new statefulset will create a new one:
kubectl delete pod keycloak-postgresql-0

To 1.0.0

On November 13, 2020, Helm v2 support was formally finished, this major version is the result of the required changes applied to the Helm Chart to be able to incorporate the different features added in Helm v3 and to be consistent with the Helm project itself regarding the Helm v2 EOL.

What changes were introduced in this major version?

  • Previous versions of this Helm Chart use apiVersion: v1 (installable by both Helm 2 and 3), this Helm Chart was updated to apiVersion: v2 (installable by Helm 3 only). Here you can find more information about the apiVersion field.
  • Move dependency information from the requirements.yaml to the Chart.yaml
  • After running helm dependency update, a Chart.lock file is generated containing the same structure used in the previous requirements.lock
  • The different fields present in the Chart.yaml file has been ordered alphabetically in a homogeneous way for all the Bitnami Helm Chart.

Considerations when upgrading to this version

  • If you want to upgrade to this version using Helm v2, this scenario is not supported as this version does not support Helm v2 anymore.
  • If you installed the previous version with Helm v2 and wants to upgrade to this version with Helm v3, please refer to the official Helm documentation about migrating from Helm v2 to v3.


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.