CJ_Clippy ebe65e067d
Some checks failed
ci / build (push) Failing after 7m5s
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cert-manager is a Kubernetes addon to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources.

It will ensure certificates are valid and up to date periodically, and attempt to renew certificates at an appropriate time before expiry.


  • Kubernetes 1.22+

Installing the Chart

Full installation instructions, including details on how to configure extra functionality in cert-manager can be found in the installation docs.

Before installing the chart, you must first install the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources. This is performed in a separate step to allow you to easily uninstall and reinstall cert-manager without deleting your installed custom resources.

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.15.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml

To install the chart with the release name cert-manager:

## Add the Jetstack Helm repository
$ helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update

## Install the cert-manager helm chart
$ helm install cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v1.15.1 jetstack/cert-manager

In order to begin issuing certificates, you will need to set up a ClusterIssuer or Issuer resource (for example, by creating a 'letsencrypt-staging' issuer).

More information on the different types of issuers and how to configure them can be found in our documentation.

For information on how to configure cert-manager to automatically provision Certificates for Ingress resources, take a look at the Securing Ingresses documentation.


: List all releases using helm list

Upgrading the Chart

Special considerations may be required when upgrading the Helm chart, and these are documented in our full upgrading guide.

Please check here before performing upgrades!

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the cert-manager deployment:

$ helm delete cert-manager --namespace cert-manager

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

If you want to completely uninstall cert-manager from your cluster, you will also need to delete the previously installed CustomResourceDefinition resources:

$ kubectl delete -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.15.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml



global.imagePullSecrets ~ array

Default value:


Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images. For more information, see Pull an Image from a Private Registry.

For example:

  - name: "image-pull-secret"

global.commonLabels ~ object

Default value:


Labels to apply to all resources.
Please note that this does not add labels to the resources created dynamically by the controllers. For these resources, you have to add the labels in the template in the cert-manager custom resource: For example, podTemplate/ ingressTemplate in ACMEChallengeSolverHTTP01Ingress. For more information, see the cert-manager documentation.
For example, secretTemplate in CertificateSpec
For more information, see the cert-manager documentation.

global.revisionHistoryLimit ~ number

The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback (if not set, the default Kubernetes value is set to 10).

global.priorityClassName ~ string

Default value:


The optional priority class to be used for the cert-manager pods.

global.rbac.create ~ bool

Default value:


Create required ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings for cert-manager.

global.rbac.aggregateClusterRoles ~ bool

Default value:


Aggregate ClusterRoles to Kubernetes default user-facing roles. For more information, see User-facing roles

global.podSecurityPolicy.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Create PodSecurityPolicy for cert-manager.

Note that PodSecurityPolicy was deprecated in Kubernetes 1.21 and removed in Kubernetes 1.25.

global.podSecurityPolicy.useAppArmor ~ bool

Default value:


Configure the PodSecurityPolicy to use AppArmor.

global.logLevel ~ number

Default value:


Set the verbosity of cert-manager. A range of 0 - 6, with 6 being the most verbose.

global.leaderElection.namespace ~ string

Default value:


Override the namespace used for the leader election lease.

global.leaderElection.leaseDuration ~ string

The duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate.

global.leaderElection.renewDeadline ~ string

The interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration.

global.leaderElection.retryPeriod ~ string

The duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership.

installCRDs ~ bool

Default value:


This option is equivalent to setting crds.enabled=true and crds.keep=true. Deprecated: use crds.enabled and crds.keep instead.

crds.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


This option decides if the CRDs should be installed as part of the Helm installation.

crds.keep ~ bool

Default value:


This option makes it so that the "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep annotation is added to the CRD. This will prevent Helm from uninstalling the CRD when the Helm release is uninstalled. WARNING: when the CRDs are removed, all cert-manager custom resources
(Certificates, Issuers, ...) will be removed too by the garbage collector.


replicaCount ~ number

Default value:


The number of replicas of the cert-manager controller to run.

The default is 1, but in production set this to 2 or 3 to provide high availability.

If replicas > 1, consider setting podDisruptionBudget.enabled=true.

Note that cert-manager uses leader election to ensure that there can only be a single instance active at a time.

strategy ~ object

Default value:


Deployment update strategy for the cert-manager controller deployment. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

For example:

  type: RollingUpdate
    maxSurge: 0
    maxUnavailable: 1

podDisruptionBudget.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Enable or disable the PodDisruptionBudget resource.

This prevents downtime during voluntary disruptions such as during a Node upgrade. For example, the PodDisruptionBudget will block kubectl drain if it is used on the Node where the only remaining cert-manager
Pod is currently running.

podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable ~ number

This configures the minimum available pods for disruptions. It can either be set to an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%).
It cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.

podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable ~ number

This configures the maximum unavailable pods for disruptions. It can either be set to an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%). it cannot be used if minAvailable is set.

featureGates ~ string

Default value:


A comma-separated list of feature gates that should be enabled on the controller pod.

maxConcurrentChallenges ~ number

Default value:


The maximum number of challenges that can be scheduled as 'processing' at once.

image.registry ~ string

The container registry to pull the manager image from.

image.repository ~ string

Default value:


The container image for the cert-manager controller.

image.tag ~ string

Override the image tag to deploy by setting this variable. If no value is set, the chart's appVersion is used.

image.digest ~ string

Setting a digest will override any tag.

image.pullPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Kubernetes imagePullPolicy on Deployment.

clusterResourceNamespace ~ string

Default value:


Override the namespace used to store DNS provider credentials etc. for ClusterIssuer resources. By default, the same namespace as cert-manager is deployed within is used. This namespace will not be automatically created by the Helm chart.

namespace ~ string

Default value:


This namespace allows you to define where the services are installed into. If not set then they use the namespace of the release. This is helpful when installing cert manager as a chart dependency (sub chart).

serviceAccount.create ~ bool

Default value:


Specifies whether a service account should be created.

serviceAccount.name ~ string

The name of the service account to use.
If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.

serviceAccount.annotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the controller's Service Account.

serviceAccount.labels ~ object

Optional additional labels to add to the controller's Service Account.

serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Default value:


Automount API credentials for a Service Account.

automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Automounting API credentials for a particular pod.

enableCertificateOwnerRef ~ bool

Default value:


When this flag is enabled, secrets will be automatically removed when the certificate resource is deleted.

config ~ object

Default value:


This property is used to configure options for the controller pod. This allows setting options that would usually be provided using flags. An APIVersion and Kind must be specified in your values.yaml file.
Flags will override options that are set here.

For example:

  apiVersion: controller.config.cert-manager.io/v1alpha1
  kind: ControllerConfiguration
    verbosity: 2
    format: text
    namespace: kube-system
  kubernetesAPIQPS: 9000
  kubernetesAPIBurst: 9000
  numberOfConcurrentWorkers: 200
    AdditionalCertificateOutputFormats: true
    DisallowInsecureCSRUsageDefinition: true
    ExperimentalCertificateSigningRequestControllers: true
    ExperimentalGatewayAPISupport: true
    LiteralCertificateSubject: true
    SecretsFilteredCaching: true
    ServerSideApply: true
    StableCertificateRequestName: true
    UseCertificateRequestBasicConstraints: true
    ValidateCAA: true
      secretNamespace: "cert-manager"
      secretName: "cert-manager-metrics-ca"
      - cert-manager-metrics
      - cert-manager-metrics.cert-manager
      - cert-manager-metrics.cert-manager.svc

dns01RecursiveNameservers ~ string

Default value:


A comma-separated string with the host and port of the recursive nameservers cert-manager should query.

dns01RecursiveNameserversOnly ~ bool

Default value:


Forces cert-manager to use only the recursive nameservers for verification. Enabling this option could cause the DNS01 self check to take longer owing to caching performed by the recursive nameservers.

disableAutoApproval ~ bool

Default value:


Option to disable cert-manager's build-in auto-approver. The auto-approver approves all CertificateRequests that reference issuers matching the 'approveSignerNames' option. This 'disableAutoApproval' option is useful when you want to make all approval decisions using a different approver (like approver-policy - https://github.com/cert-manager/approver-policy).

approveSignerNames ~ array

Default value:

- issuers.cert-manager.io/*
- clusterissuers.cert-manager.io/*

List of signer names that cert-manager will approve by default. CertificateRequests referencing these signer names will be auto-approved by cert-manager. Defaults to just approving the cert-manager.io Issuer and ClusterIssuer issuers. When set to an empty array, ALL issuers will be auto-approved by cert-manager. To disable the auto-approval, because eg. you are using approver-policy, you can enable 'disableAutoApproval'.
ref: https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/certificaterequest/#approval

extraArgs ~ array

Default value:


Additional command line flags to pass to cert-manager controller binary. To see all available flags run docker run quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-controller:<version> --help.

Use this flag to enable or disable arbitrary controllers. For example, to disable the CertificiateRequests approver.

For example:

  - --controllers=*,-certificaterequests-approver

extraEnv ~ array

Default value:


Additional environment variables to pass to cert-manager controller binary.

resources ~ object

Default value:


Resources to provide to the cert-manager controller pod.

For example:

  cpu: 10m
  memory: 32Mi

For more information, see Resource Management for Pods and Containers.

securityContext ~ object

Default value:

runAsNonRoot: true
  type: RuntimeDefault

Pod Security Context.
For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

containerSecurityContext ~ object

Default value:

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    - ALL
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Container Security Context to be set on the controller component container. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

volumes ~ array

Default value:


Additional volumes to add to the cert-manager controller pod.

volumeMounts ~ array

Default value:


Additional volume mounts to add to the cert-manager controller container.

deploymentAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the controller Deployment.

podAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the controller Pods.

podLabels ~ object

Default value:


Optional additional labels to add to the controller Pods.

serviceAnnotations ~ object

Optional annotations to add to the controller Service.

serviceLabels ~ object

Optional additional labels to add to the controller Service.

serviceIPFamilyPolicy ~ string

Optionally set the IP family policy for the controller Service to configure dual-stack; see Configure dual-stack.

serviceIPFamilies ~ array

Optionally set the IP families for the controller Service that should be supported, in the order in which they should be applied to ClusterIP. Can be IPv4 and/or IPv6.

podDnsPolicy ~ string

Pod DNS policy.
For more information, see Pod's DNS Policy.

podDnsConfig ~ object

Pod DNS configuration. The podDnsConfig field is optional and can work with any podDnsPolicy settings. However, when a Pod's dnsPolicy is set to "None", the dnsConfig field has to be specified. For more information, see Pod's DNS Config.

hostAliases ~ array

Default value:


Optional hostAliases for cert-manager-controller pods. May be useful when performing ACME DNS-01 self checks.

nodeSelector ~ object

Default value:

kubernetes.io/os: linux

The nodeSelector on Pods tells Kubernetes to schedule Pods on the nodes with matching labels. For more information, see Assigning Pods to Nodes.

This default ensures that Pods are only scheduled to Linux nodes. It prevents Pods being scheduled to Windows nodes in a mixed OS cluster.

ingressShim.defaultIssuerName ~ string

Optional default issuer to use for ingress resources.

ingressShim.defaultIssuerKind ~ string

Optional default issuer kind to use for ingress resources.

ingressShim.defaultIssuerGroup ~ string

Optional default issuer group to use for ingress resources.

http_proxy ~ string

Configures the HTTP_PROXY environment variable where a HTTP proxy is required.

https_proxy ~ string

Configures the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable where a HTTP proxy is required.

no_proxy ~ string

Configures the NO_PROXY environment variable where a HTTP proxy is required, but certain domains should be excluded.

affinity ~ object

Default value:


A Kubernetes Affinity, if required. For more information, see Affinity v1 core.

For example:

     - matchExpressions:
       - key: foo.bar.com/role
         operator: In
         - master

tolerations ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes Tolerations, if required. For more information, see Toleration v1 core.

For example:

- key: foo.bar.com/role
  operator: Equal
  value: master
  effect: NoSchedule

topologySpreadConstraints ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes TopologySpreadConstraints, if required. For more information, see [Topology spread constraint v1 core](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.27/#topologyspreadconstraint-v1-core

For example:

- maxSkew: 2
  topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
  whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
      app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager
      app.kubernetes.io/component: controller

livenessProbe ~ object

Default value:

enabled: true
failureThreshold: 8
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 15

LivenessProbe settings for the controller container of the controller Pod.

This is enabled by default, in order to enable the clock-skew liveness probe that restarts the controller in case of a skew between the system clock and the monotonic clock. LivenessProbe durations and thresholds are based on those used for the Kubernetes controller-manager. For more information see the following on the
Kubernetes GitHub repository

Default value:


enableServiceLinks indicates whether information about services should be injected into the pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links.


prometheus.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Enable Prometheus monitoring for the cert-manager controller to use with the. Prometheus Operator. If this option is enabled without enabling prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled or
prometheus.podmonitor.enabled, 'prometheus.io' annotations are added to the cert-manager Deployment
resources. Additionally, a service is created which can be used together with your own ServiceMonitor (managed outside of this Helm chart). Otherwise, a ServiceMonitor/ PodMonitor is created.

prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Create a ServiceMonitor to add cert-manager to Prometheus.

prometheus.servicemonitor.prometheusInstance ~ string

Default value:


Specifies the prometheus label on the created ServiceMonitor. This is used when different Prometheus instances have label selectors matching different ServiceMonitors.

prometheus.servicemonitor.targetPort ~ number

Default value:


The target port to set on the ServiceMonitor. This must match the port that the cert-manager controller is listening on for metrics.

prometheus.servicemonitor.path ~ string

Default value:


The path to scrape for metrics.

prometheus.servicemonitor.interval ~ string

Default value:


The interval to scrape metrics.

prometheus.servicemonitor.scrapeTimeout ~ string

Default value:


The timeout before a metrics scrape fails.

prometheus.servicemonitor.labels ~ object

Default value:


Additional labels to add to the ServiceMonitor.

prometheus.servicemonitor.annotations ~ object

Default value:


Additional annotations to add to the ServiceMonitor.

prometheus.servicemonitor.honorLabels ~ bool

Default value:


Keep labels from scraped data, overriding server-side labels.

prometheus.servicemonitor.endpointAdditionalProperties ~ object

Default value:


EndpointAdditionalProperties allows setting additional properties on the endpoint such as relabelings, metricRelabelings etc.

For example:

 - action: replace
   - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
   targetLabel: instance

prometheus.podmonitor.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Create a PodMonitor to add cert-manager to Prometheus.

prometheus.podmonitor.prometheusInstance ~ string

Default value:


Specifies the prometheus label on the created PodMonitor. This is used when different Prometheus instances have label selectors matching different PodMonitors.

prometheus.podmonitor.path ~ string

Default value:


The path to scrape for metrics.

prometheus.podmonitor.interval ~ string

Default value:


The interval to scrape metrics.

prometheus.podmonitor.scrapeTimeout ~ string

Default value:


The timeout before a metrics scrape fails.

prometheus.podmonitor.labels ~ object

Default value:


Additional labels to add to the PodMonitor.

prometheus.podmonitor.annotations ~ object

Default value:


Additional annotations to add to the PodMonitor.

prometheus.podmonitor.honorLabels ~ bool

Default value:


Keep labels from scraped data, overriding server-side labels.

prometheus.podmonitor.endpointAdditionalProperties ~ object

Default value:


EndpointAdditionalProperties allows setting additional properties on the endpoint such as relabelings, metricRelabelings etc.

For example:

 - action: replace
   - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
   targetLabel: instance


webhook.replicaCount ~ number

Default value:


Number of replicas of the cert-manager webhook to run.

The default is 1, but in production set this to 2 or 3 to provide high availability.

If replicas > 1, consider setting webhook.podDisruptionBudget.enabled=true.

webhook.timeoutSeconds ~ number

Default value:


The number of seconds the API server should wait for the webhook to respond before treating the call as a failure. The value must be between 1 and 30 seconds. For more information, see
Validating webhook configuration v1.

The default is set to the maximum value of 30 seconds as users sometimes report that the connection between the K8S API server and the cert-manager webhook server times out. If this timeout is reached, the error message will be "context deadline exceeded", which doesn't help the user diagnose what phase of the HTTPS connection timed out. For example, it could be during DNS resolution, TCP connection, TLS negotiation, HTTP negotiation, or slow HTTP response from the webhook server. By setting this timeout to its maximum value the underlying timeout error message has more chance of being returned to the end user.

webhook.config ~ object

Default value:


This is used to configure options for the webhook pod. This allows setting options that would usually be provided using flags. An APIVersion and Kind must be specified in your values.yaml file.
Flags override options that are set here.

For example:

apiVersion: webhook.config.cert-manager.io/v1alpha1
kind: WebhookConfiguration
# The port that the webhook listens on for requests.
# In GKE private clusters, by default Kubernetes apiservers are allowed to
# talk to the cluster nodes only on 443 and 10250. Configuring
# securePort: 10250 therefore will work out-of-the-box without needing to add firewall
# rules or requiring NET_BIND_SERVICE capabilities to bind port numbers < 1000.
# This should be uncommented and set as a default by the chart once
# the apiVersion of WebhookConfiguration graduates beyond v1alpha1.
securePort: 10250

webhook.strategy ~ object

Default value:


The update strategy for the cert-manager webhook deployment. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation

For example:

  type: RollingUpdate
    maxSurge: 0
    maxUnavailable: 1

webhook.securityContext ~ object

Default value:

runAsNonRoot: true
  type: RuntimeDefault

Pod Security Context to be set on the webhook component Pod. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

webhook.containerSecurityContext ~ object

Default value:

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    - ALL
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Container Security Context to be set on the webhook component container. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

webhook.podDisruptionBudget.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Enable or disable the PodDisruptionBudget resource.

This prevents downtime during voluntary disruptions such as during a Node upgrade. For example, the PodDisruptionBudget will block kubectl drain if it is used on the Node where the only remaining cert-manager
Pod is currently running.

webhook.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable ~ number

This property configures the minimum available pods for disruptions. Can either be set to an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%).
It cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.

webhook.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable ~ number

This property configures the maximum unavailable pods for disruptions. Can either be set to an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%).
It cannot be used if minAvailable is set.

webhook.deploymentAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the webhook Deployment.

webhook.podAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the webhook Pods.

webhook.serviceAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the webhook Service.

webhook.mutatingWebhookConfigurationAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the webhook MutatingWebhookConfiguration.

webhook.validatingWebhookConfigurationAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the webhook ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.

webhook.validatingWebhookConfiguration.namespaceSelector ~ object

Default value:

  - key: cert-manager.io/disable-validation
    operator: NotIn
      - "true"

Configure spec.namespaceSelector for validating webhooks.

webhook.mutatingWebhookConfiguration.namespaceSelector ~ object

Default value:


Configure spec.namespaceSelector for mutating webhooks.

webhook.extraArgs ~ array

Default value:


Additional command line flags to pass to cert-manager webhook binary. To see all available flags run docker run quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-webhook:<version> --help.

webhook.featureGates ~ string

Default value:


Comma separated list of feature gates that should be enabled on the webhook pod.

webhook.resources ~ object

Default value:


Resources to provide to the cert-manager webhook pod.

For example:

  cpu: 10m
  memory: 32Mi

For more information, see Resource Management for Pods and Containers.

webhook.livenessProbe ~ object

Default value:

failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 60
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1

Liveness probe values.
For more information, see Container probes.

webhook.readinessProbe ~ object

Default value:

failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 5
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1

Readiness probe values.
For more information, see Container probes.

webhook.nodeSelector ~ object

Default value:

kubernetes.io/os: linux

The nodeSelector on Pods tells Kubernetes to schedule Pods on the nodes with matching labels. For more information, see Assigning Pods to Nodes.

This default ensures that Pods are only scheduled to Linux nodes. It prevents Pods being scheduled to Windows nodes in a mixed OS cluster.

webhook.affinity ~ object

Default value:


A Kubernetes Affinity, if required. For more information, see Affinity v1 core.

For example:

     - matchExpressions:
       - key: foo.bar.com/role
         operator: In
         - master

webhook.tolerations ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes Tolerations, if required. For more information, see Toleration v1 core.

For example:

- key: foo.bar.com/role
  operator: Equal
  value: master
  effect: NoSchedule

webhook.topologySpreadConstraints ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes TopologySpreadConstraints, if required. For more information, see Topology spread constraint v1 core.

For example:

- maxSkew: 2
  topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
  whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
      app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager
      app.kubernetes.io/component: controller

webhook.podLabels ~ object

Default value:


Optional additional labels to add to the Webhook Pods.

webhook.serviceLabels ~ object

Default value:


Optional additional labels to add to the Webhook Service.

webhook.serviceIPFamilyPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Optionally set the IP family policy for the controller Service to configure dual-stack; see Configure dual-stack.

webhook.serviceIPFamilies ~ array

Default value:


Optionally set the IP families for the controller Service that should be supported, in the order in which they should be applied to ClusterIP. Can be IPv4 and/or IPv6.

webhook.image.registry ~ string

The container registry to pull the webhook image from.

webhook.image.repository ~ string

Default value:


The container image for the cert-manager webhook

webhook.image.tag ~ string

Override the image tag to deploy by setting this variable. If no value is set, the chart's appVersion will be used.

webhook.image.digest ~ string

Setting a digest will override any tag

webhook.image.pullPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Kubernetes imagePullPolicy on Deployment.

webhook.serviceAccount.create ~ bool

Default value:


Specifies whether a service account should be created.

webhook.serviceAccount.name ~ string

The name of the service account to use.
If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.

webhook.serviceAccount.annotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the controller's Service Account.

webhook.serviceAccount.labels ~ object

Optional additional labels to add to the webhook's Service Account.

webhook.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Default value:


Automount API credentials for a Service Account.

webhook.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Automounting API credentials for a particular pod.

webhook.securePort ~ number

Default value:


The port that the webhook listens on for requests. In GKE private clusters, by default Kubernetes apiservers are allowed to talk to the cluster nodes only on 443 and 10250. Configuring securePort: 10250, therefore will work out-of-the-box without needing to add firewall rules or requiring NET_BIND_SERVICE capabilities to bind port numbers <1000.

webhook.hostNetwork ~ bool

Default value:


Specifies if the webhook should be started in hostNetwork mode.

Required for use in some managed kubernetes clusters (such as AWS EKS) with custom. CNI (such as calico), because control-plane managed by AWS cannot communicate with pods' IP CIDR and admission webhooks are not working

Since the default port for the webhook conflicts with kubelet on the host network, webhook.securePort should be changed to an available port if running in hostNetwork mode.

webhook.serviceType ~ string

Default value:


Specifies how the service should be handled. Useful if you want to expose the webhook outside of the cluster. In some cases, the control plane cannot reach internal services.

webhook.loadBalancerIP ~ string

Specify the load balancer IP for the created service.

webhook.url ~ object

Default value:


Overrides the mutating webhook and validating webhook so they reach the webhook service using the url field instead of a service.

webhook.networkPolicy.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Create network policies for the webhooks.

webhook.networkPolicy.ingress ~ array

Default value:

- from:
    - ipBlock:

Ingress rule for the webhook network policy. By default, it allows all inbound traffic.

webhook.networkPolicy.egress ~ array

Default value:

- ports:
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
    - port: 443
      protocol: TCP
    - port: 53
      protocol: TCP
    - port: 53
      protocol: UDP
    - port: 6443
      protocol: TCP
    - ipBlock:

Egress rule for the webhook network policy. By default, it allows all outbound traffic to ports 80 and 443, as well as DNS ports.

webhook.volumes ~ array

Default value:


Additional volumes to add to the cert-manager controller pod.

webhook.volumeMounts ~ array

Default value:


Additional volume mounts to add to the cert-manager controller container.

Default value:


enableServiceLinks indicates whether information about services should be injected into the pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links.

CA Injector

cainjector.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Create the CA Injector deployment

cainjector.replicaCount ~ number

Default value:


The number of replicas of the cert-manager cainjector to run.

The default is 1, but in production set this to 2 or 3 to provide high availability.

If replicas > 1, consider setting cainjector.podDisruptionBudget.enabled=true.

Note that cert-manager uses leader election to ensure that there can only be a single instance active at a time.

cainjector.config ~ object

Default value:


This is used to configure options for the cainjector pod. It allows setting options that are usually provided via flags. An APIVersion and Kind must be specified in your values.yaml file.
Flags override options that are set here.

For example:

apiVersion: cainjector.config.cert-manager.io/v1alpha1
kind: CAInjectorConfiguration
 verbosity: 2
 format: text
 namespace: kube-system

cainjector.strategy ~ object

Default value:


Deployment update strategy for the cert-manager cainjector deployment. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

For example:

  type: RollingUpdate
    maxSurge: 0
    maxUnavailable: 1

cainjector.securityContext ~ object

Default value:

runAsNonRoot: true
  type: RuntimeDefault

Pod Security Context to be set on the cainjector component Pod. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

cainjector.containerSecurityContext ~ object

Default value:

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    - ALL
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Container Security Context to be set on the cainjector component container. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

cainjector.podDisruptionBudget.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Enable or disable the PodDisruptionBudget resource.

This prevents downtime during voluntary disruptions such as during a Node upgrade. For example, the PodDisruptionBudget will block kubectl drain if it is used on the Node where the only remaining cert-manager
Pod is currently running.

cainjector.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable ~ number

minAvailable configures the minimum available pods for disruptions. It can either be set to
an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%).
Cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.

cainjector.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable ~ number

maxUnavailable configures the maximum unavailable pods for disruptions. It can either be set to
an integer (e.g. 1) or a percentage value (e.g. 25%).
Cannot be used if minAvailable is set.

cainjector.deploymentAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the cainjector Deployment.

cainjector.podAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the cainjector Pods.

cainjector.extraArgs ~ array

Default value:


Additional command line flags to pass to cert-manager cainjector binary. To see all available flags run docker run quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector:<version> --help.

cainjector.featureGates ~ string

Default value:


Comma separated list of feature gates that should be enabled on the cainjector pod.

cainjector.resources ~ object

Default value:


Resources to provide to the cert-manager cainjector pod.

For example:

  cpu: 10m
  memory: 32Mi

For more information, see Resource Management for Pods and Containers.

cainjector.nodeSelector ~ object

Default value:

kubernetes.io/os: linux

The nodeSelector on Pods tells Kubernetes to schedule Pods on the nodes with matching labels. For more information, see Assigning Pods to Nodes.

This default ensures that Pods are only scheduled to Linux nodes. It prevents Pods being scheduled to Windows nodes in a mixed OS cluster.

cainjector.affinity ~ object

Default value:


A Kubernetes Affinity, if required. For more information, see Affinity v1 core.

For example:

     - matchExpressions:
       - key: foo.bar.com/role
         operator: In
         - master

cainjector.tolerations ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes Tolerations, if required. For more information, see Toleration v1 core.

For example:

- key: foo.bar.com/role
  operator: Equal
  value: master
  effect: NoSchedule

cainjector.topologySpreadConstraints ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes TopologySpreadConstraints, if required. For more information, see Topology spread constraint v1 core.

For example:

- maxSkew: 2
  topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
  whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
      app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager
      app.kubernetes.io/component: controller

cainjector.podLabels ~ object

Default value:


Optional additional labels to add to the CA Injector Pods.

cainjector.image.registry ~ string

The container registry to pull the cainjector image from.

cainjector.image.repository ~ string

Default value:


The container image for the cert-manager cainjector

cainjector.image.tag ~ string

Override the image tag to deploy by setting this variable. If no value is set, the chart's appVersion will be used.

cainjector.image.digest ~ string

Setting a digest will override any tag.

cainjector.image.pullPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Kubernetes imagePullPolicy on Deployment.

cainjector.serviceAccount.create ~ bool

Default value:


Specifies whether a service account should be created.

cainjector.serviceAccount.name ~ string

The name of the service account to use.
If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template

cainjector.serviceAccount.annotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the controller's Service Account.

cainjector.serviceAccount.labels ~ object

Optional additional labels to add to the cainjector's Service Account.

cainjector.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Default value:


Automount API credentials for a Service Account.

cainjector.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Automounting API credentials for a particular pod.

cainjector.volumes ~ array

Default value:


Additional volumes to add to the cert-manager controller pod.

cainjector.volumeMounts ~ array

Default value:


Additional volume mounts to add to the cert-manager controller container.

Default value:


enableServiceLinks indicates whether information about services should be injected into the pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links.

ACME Solver

acmesolver.image.registry ~ string

The container registry to pull the acmesolver image from.

acmesolver.image.repository ~ string

Default value:


The container image for the cert-manager acmesolver.

acmesolver.image.tag ~ string

Override the image tag to deploy by setting this variable. If no value is set, the chart's appVersion is used.

acmesolver.image.digest ~ string

Setting a digest will override any tag.

acmesolver.image.pullPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Kubernetes imagePullPolicy on Deployment.

Startup API Check

This startupapicheck is a Helm post-install hook that waits for the webhook endpoints to become available. The check is implemented using a Kubernetes Job - if you are injecting mesh sidecar proxies into cert-manager pods, ensure that they are not injected into this Job's pod. Otherwise, the installation may time out owing to the Job never being completed because the sidecar proxy does not exit. For more information, see this note.

startupapicheck.enabled ~ bool

Default value:


Enables the startup api check.

startupapicheck.securityContext ~ object

Default value:

runAsNonRoot: true
  type: RuntimeDefault

Pod Security Context to be set on the startupapicheck component Pod. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

startupapicheck.containerSecurityContext ~ object

Default value:

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    - ALL
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Container Security Context to be set on the controller component container. For more information, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.

startupapicheck.timeout ~ string

Default value:


Timeout for 'kubectl check api' command.

startupapicheck.backoffLimit ~ number

Default value:


Job backoffLimit

startupapicheck.jobAnnotations ~ object

Default value:

helm.sh/hook: post-install
helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded
helm.sh/hook-weight: "1"

Optional additional annotations to add to the startupapicheck Job.

startupapicheck.podAnnotations ~ object

Optional additional annotations to add to the startupapicheck Pods.

startupapicheck.extraArgs ~ array

Default value:

- -v

Additional command line flags to pass to startupapicheck binary. To see all available flags run docker run quay.io/jetstack/cert-manager-startupapicheck:<version> --help.

Verbose logging is enabled by default so that if startupapicheck fails, you can know what exactly caused the failure. Verbose logs include details of the webhook URL, IP address and TCP connect errors for example.

startupapicheck.resources ~ object

Default value:


Resources to provide to the cert-manager controller pod.

For example:

  cpu: 10m
  memory: 32Mi

For more information, see Resource Management for Pods and Containers.

startupapicheck.nodeSelector ~ object

Default value:

kubernetes.io/os: linux

The nodeSelector on Pods tells Kubernetes to schedule Pods on the nodes with matching labels. For more information, see Assigning Pods to Nodes.

This default ensures that Pods are only scheduled to Linux nodes. It prevents Pods being scheduled to Windows nodes in a mixed OS cluster.

startupapicheck.affinity ~ object

Default value:


A Kubernetes Affinity, if required. For more information, see Affinity v1 core.
For example:

     - matchExpressions:
       - key: foo.bar.com/role
         operator: In
         - master

startupapicheck.tolerations ~ array

Default value:


A list of Kubernetes Tolerations, if required. For more information, see Toleration v1 core.

For example:

- key: foo.bar.com/role
  operator: Equal
  value: master
  effect: NoSchedule

startupapicheck.podLabels ~ object

Default value:


Optional additional labels to add to the startupapicheck Pods.

startupapicheck.image.registry ~ string

The container registry to pull the startupapicheck image from.

startupapicheck.image.repository ~ string

Default value:


The container image for the cert-manager startupapicheck.

startupapicheck.image.tag ~ string

Override the image tag to deploy by setting this variable. If no value is set, the chart's appVersion is used.

startupapicheck.image.digest ~ string

Setting a digest will override any tag.

startupapicheck.image.pullPolicy ~ string

Default value:


Kubernetes imagePullPolicy on Deployment.

startupapicheck.rbac.annotations ~ object

Default value:

helm.sh/hook: post-install
helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded
helm.sh/hook-weight: "-5"

annotations for the startup API Check job RBAC and PSP resources.

startupapicheck.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Automounting API credentials for a particular pod.

startupapicheck.serviceAccount.create ~ bool

Default value:


Specifies whether a service account should be created.

startupapicheck.serviceAccount.name ~ string

The name of the service account to use.
If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.

startupapicheck.serviceAccount.annotations ~ object

Default value:

helm.sh/hook: post-install
helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded
helm.sh/hook-weight: "-5"

Optional additional annotations to add to the Job's Service Account.

startupapicheck.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken ~ bool

Default value:


Automount API credentials for a Service Account.

startupapicheck.serviceAccount.labels ~ object

Optional additional labels to add to the startupapicheck's Service Account.

startupapicheck.volumes ~ array

Default value:


Additional volumes to add to the cert-manager controller pod.

startupapicheck.volumeMounts ~ array

Default value:


Additional volume mounts to add to the cert-manager controller container.

Default value:


enableServiceLinks indicates whether information about services should be injected into pod's environment variables, matching the syntax of Docker links.

extraObjects ~ array

Default value:


Create dynamic manifests via values.

For example:

  - |
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: '{{ template "cert-manager.name" . }}-extra-configmap'

Default Security Contexts

The default pod-level and container-level security contexts, below, adhere to the restricted Pod Security Standards policies.

Default pod-level securityContext:

runAsNonRoot: true
  type: RuntimeDefault

Default containerSecurityContext:

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  - ALL

Assigning Values

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml .


: You can use the default values.yaml


This chart is maintained at github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager.