This commit is contained in:
Chris Grimmett 2023-07-14 06:16:58 -08:00
parent 4dc77b37eb
commit d21250c09e
35 changed files with 2548 additions and 652 deletions

77 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
error after maybe ~24h of running
OH, it's timestamp errors. might be caused by me switching my system clock to UTC
> scout@0.0.1 start /home/chris/Documents/futureporn-scout
> node index daemon
{ _: [ 'daemon' ], '$0': 'index' }
debug: registering room timer for projektmelody {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
info: monitoring room:projektmelody {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably TokenRequest is either absent or expired. Let's get a new one. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
info: CB Realtime Connected! {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
20:34:08.456 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
20:34:08.458 Ably: Transport.onProtocolMessage(): Ably requested re-authentication, but unable to obtain a new token: [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
20:34:08.545 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
20:34:23.646 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably TokenRequest is either absent or expired. Let's get a new one. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
20:34:54.218 Ably: ConnectionManager.actOnErrorFromAuthorize(): Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection
20:34:54.218 Ably: Connection state: failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon4f0b537a-a86f-44f0-8ef3-0aafca49aa0b) and current clientId (-anon27e17db6-f2ce-4695-b98c-563529582f67); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
20:34:54.219 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:message:G0TWFS5:9": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon4f0b537a-a86f-44f0-8ef3-0aafca49aa0b) and current clientId (-anon27e17db6-f2ce-4695-b98c-563529582f67); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
20:34:54.219 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:silence:G0TWFS5": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon4f0b537a-a86f-44f0-8ef3-0aafca49aa0b) and current clientId (-anon27e17db6-f2ce-4695-b98c-563529582f67); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
20:34:54.220 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:title_change:G0TWFS5": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon4f0b537a-a86f-44f0-8ef3-0aafca49aa0b) and current clientId (-anon27e17db6-f2ce-4695-b98c-563529582f67); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
20:34:54.220 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:status:G0TWFS5:9": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon4f0b537a-a86f-44f0-8ef3-0aafca49aa0b) and current clientId (-anon27e17db6-f2ce-4695-b98c-563529582f67); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
Seems like a reproducable problem. occurs ~24h after running
> scout@0.0.1 start /home/chris/Documents/futureporn-scout
> node index daemon
{ _: [ 'daemon' ], '$0': 'index' }
debug: registering room timer for projektmelody {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
info: monitoring room:projektmelody {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably TokenRequest is either absent or expired. Let's get a new one. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
info: CB Realtime Connected! {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
00:17:41.516 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
00:17:41.516 Ably: Transport.onProtocolMessage(): Ably requested re-authentication, but unable to obtain a new token: [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
00:17:41.597 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
00:17:56.680 Ably: Auth.requestToken(): token request API call returned error; err = [ErrorInfo: Timestamp not current; statusCode=401; code=40104; see ]
debug: Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Ably TokenRequest is either absent or expired. Let's get a new one. {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
debug: Got a new TokenRequest {"service":"futureporn/scout"}
00:18:27.276 Ably: ConnectionManager.actOnErrorFromAuthorize(): Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection
00:18:27.277 Ably: Connection state: failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon89dfcc5b-6805-45e0-94db-bc6cfa0e9618) and current clientId (-anon9118cecf-29db-4bab-9592-38ed446c0617); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
00:18:27.277 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:message:G0TWFS5:9": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon89dfcc5b-6805-45e0-94db-bc6cfa0e9618) and current clientId (-anon9118cecf-29db-4bab-9592-38ed446c0617); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
00:18:27.277 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:silence:G0TWFS5": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon89dfcc5b-6805-45e0-94db-bc6cfa0e9618) and current clientId (-anon9118cecf-29db-4bab-9592-38ed446c0617); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
00:18:27.277 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:title_change:G0TWFS5": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon89dfcc5b-6805-45e0-94db-bc6cfa0e9618) and current clientId (-anon9118cecf-29db-4bab-9592-38ed446c0617); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
00:18:27.278 Ably: Channel state for channel "room:status:G0TWFS5:9": failed; reason: [ErrorInfo: Client configured authentication provider returned 403; failing the connection; statusCode=403; code=80019; cause=[ErrorInfo: Mismatch between clientId in token (-anon89dfcc5b-6805-45e0-94db-bc6cfa0e9618) and current clientId (-anon9118cecf-29db-4bab-9592-38ed446c0617); statusCode=403; code=40102]]
I need to know how long after running does the error occur?
starting at Tue May 30 02:30:27 AM GMT 2023

View File

@ -20,6 +20,36 @@ Export mode. Export sql chat messages as IndexedDB
## Dev notes
### TUI
A live table which shows ongoing active subscriptions
| Room | Message | Silence | Status | Title | Tip | Password |
| ---- | ------- | ------- | ------ | ----- | --- | -------- |
| pro. | | | | | | x |
| el_. | | | x | | | |
| sky. | | | x | | | |
We're going to need to refactor the code a bit.
First we need an eventloop of sorts. A thing to ensure that we are always subscribing to the correct rooms and the correct Ably channels.
I think it needs to go like this.
1. Startup
2. Get list of rooms we are watching
3. For each room,
* subscribe to status channel
* if we are unable to subcribe,
* subscribe to password channel (? does this work in pw mode ?)
4. When status channel tells us a room goes live,
* subscribe to message, silence, title, tip, and pw channels.
5. When status channel tells us a room goes offline,
* wait 5 mins
* stop this process if room is online again
* unsubscribe from everything except status ch.
### Ably realtime event formats

View File

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
// import { containsCBInviteLink } from "./src/tweetProcess.js"
import Room from './src/Room.js'
import { loggerFactory } from "./src/logger.js"
// import Stream from './src/Stream.js'
import { assertYtdlpExistence } from './src/ytdlp.js'
import * as faye from './src/faye.js'
import * as sound from './src/sound.js'
import * as cb from './src/cb.js'
// import { extractRoomId } from './src/parsers.js'
import { appEnv, getAppContext } from './src/appContext.js'
import { onCbMessage, onCbStart, onCbStop, onCbTitleChange, onCbSilence, onCbTip } from './src/cbCallbacks.js'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import os from 'node:os'
import path from 'node:path'
import yargs from 'yargs'
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'
const epoch = new Date(0).valueOf()
const now = new Date().valueOf()
async function getDataDir() {
// Define dataDir
const dataDir = path.join(os.homedir(), '.local', 'share', 'futureporn-scout');
try {
// Check if dataDir exists
await fs.promises.access(dataDir);
} catch (error) {
// Create dataDir if it doesn't exist
await fs.promises.mkdir(dataDir, { recursive: true });
return dataDir;
async function init () {
const dataDir = await getDataDir()
const dbPath = path.join(dataDir, 'scout.db')
await assertYtdlpExistence()
const db = new Database(dbPath);
db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL');
const logger = loggerFactory({
defaultMeta: { service: 'futureporn/scout' }
return getAppContext(appEnv, logger, db, sound, cb)
async function registerRoomListeners(appContext, rooms) {
for (const room of rooms) {
const roomName =;
const roomId =;
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `monitoring room:${roomName} (${roomId})` })
const rm = new Room({
roomName: roomName,
roomId: roomId,
onStart: (m) => onCbStart(appContext, roomName, m),
onStop: (m) => onCbStop(appContext, roomName, m),
onMessage: (m) => onCbMessage(appContext, roomName, m),
onSilence: (m) => onCbSilence(appContext, roomName, m),
onTitleChange: (m) => onCbTitleChange(appContext, roomName, m),
onTip: (m) => onCbTip(appContext, roomName, m),
// retry if errors
let retry = true;
while (retry) {
try {
await rm.monitorRealtime();
retry = false; // If no error occurs, exit the loop
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'monitorRealtime() completed without error.' })
} catch (e) {
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `Error caught when attempting to monitor ${roomName} realtime. ${e}. Retrying.` });
const minTimeout = 5000; // 5 seconds in milliseconds
const maxTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds in milliseconds
const timeout = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxTimeout - minTimeout + 1)) + minTimeout;
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `${timeout} courtesy timer before retry` })
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout));
// /**
// * These room timers are used to differentiate between stream ending, and temporary outages
// * Room timers track how long a room has been offline.
// * If the room has been offline for less than 5 minutes and a start event occurs, the offline event must have been a temporary outage.
// */
// function registerRoomTimers(appContext, rooms) {
// for (const room of rooms) {
// const roomName =
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `registering room timer for ${roomName}` })
// appContext.roomTimers[roomName] = {}
// appContext.roomTimers[roomName].offline = null
// }
// }
async function daemon () {
const appContext = await init()
const stmt = appContext.db.prepare('SELECT name, id FROM rooms WHERE monitor = TRUE')
const rooms = stmt.all()
appContext.faye = faye.fayeFactory(appContext)
// registerRoomTimers(appContext, rooms)
registerRoomListeners(appContext, rooms)
async function exportLogs (options) {
const appContext = await init()
// let stmt = appContext.db.prepare('SELECT ...')
if ( {
const stream = new Stream(appContext,;
const r = stream.getMostRecentStream()
// use lifecycles database to find most recent start & stop events.
// use a 5 minute threshold to determine stream starts/s
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!!options.since && !!options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts >= ${options.since} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!!options.since && !options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts >= ${options.since} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!options.since && !!options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts <= ${options.until} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// }
// const messages = stmt.all()
// console.log(messages)
command: 'daemon',
alias: 'd',
desc: 'Listen & log chaturbate events',
builder: () => {},
handler: (argv) => {
command: 'export',
alias: 'e',
desc: 'Export chat logs as JSON',
builder: (yargs) => {
return yargs
.option('output', {
alias: 'o',
describe: 'output file location',
required: true
.option('room', {
aliases: ['r', 'n'],
describe: 'the name of the chaturbate room',
required: true
.option('since', {
alias: 's',
describe: 'export logs since this date',
default: epoch,
required: false
.option('until', {
alias: 'u',
describe: 'export logs until this date',
default: now,
required: false
// .option('auto', {
// alias: 'a',
// describe: 'gets the most recent stream',
// required: false
// })
handler: (argv) => {
if ( && (argv.since !== epoch || argv.until !== now)) {
throw new Error('cannot use --auto with --since or --until.')

index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
import Room from './src/Room.js'
import AblyRealtime from './src/AblyRealtime.js'
import { loggerFactory } from "./src/logger.js"
import { assertYtdlpExistence } from './src/ytdlp.js'
import * as faye from './src/faye.js'
import * as sound from './src/sound.js'
import * as cb from './src/cb.js'
import { appEnv, getAppContext } from './src/appContext.ts'
import {
} from './src/cbCallbacks.js'
import ChaturbateAuth from './src/ChaturbateAuth.js'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import os from 'node:os'
import path from 'node:path'
import yargs from 'yargs'
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'
import $fastq from 'fastq';
import gotClient from './src/gotClient.js'
const fastq = $fastq.promise
const epoch = new Date(0).valueOf()
const now = new Date().valueOf()
async function getDataDir() {
// Define dataDir
const dataDir = path.join(os.homedir(), '.local', 'share', 'futureporn-scout');
try {
// Check if dataDir exists
await fs.promises.access(dataDir);
} catch (error) {
// Create dataDir if it doesn't exist
await fs.promises.mkdir(dataDir, { recursive: true });
return dataDir;
async function init () {
const dataDir = await getDataDir()
const dbPath = path.join(dataDir, 'scout.db')
await assertYtdlpExistence()
const db = new Database(dbPath);
db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL');
const logger = loggerFactory({
defaultMeta: { service: 'futureporn/scout' }
return getAppContext(appEnv, logger, db, sound, cb, dataDir, gotClient)
* listen to room status messages 24/7
* @todo [ ] when room goes online, spawn a woerker
* which listens to more of it's events
* @todo [ ] when room goes offline
* and remains offline for >5 minutes,
* retire the worker
* @todo [ ] 1 TUI row per user
* @todo [ ] TUI columns for subscriptins status
async function registerRoomStatusListeners(appContext, rooms, cb, ably) {
// for each room, render a TUI row
// for (const room of rooms) {
// }
const sampleRoom =
// get cookie from cb. We only need one for `` (not one per room.)
await cb.fetchCookiesIfNeeded(sampleRoom.url)
const csrfToken = await cb.getCsrfToken(sampleRoom.url) // doesn't really matter which roomUrl for this token, as long as it is on domain
const cookieString = await cb.cookieJar.getCookieString(sampleRoom.url)
console.log('here is the cookiestring')
await Promise.allSettled(( =>
await Promise.allSettled(( => r.dossier)))
// get permission form for all the rooms we are interested in
const permissionForm = Room.getPermissionsForm( =>, ['status'], csrfToken)
for (let pair of permissionForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0] + ': ' + pair[1]);
// get signed ably tokenrequest from cb
const psa = await cb.getPushServiceAuth(sampleRoom.url, permissionForm, cookieString)
const ablyRealtime = new AblyRealtime(appContext, {
chaturbateAuth: cb,
pushServiceAuth: psa // @todo-- this line has no effect, see below
// @todo simplify this by removing need to call getRealtimeClient.
// this could happen as a byproduct of AblyRealtime constructor
const realtimeClient = await ablyRealtime.getRealtimeClient(psa)
const channels = ablyRealtime.tokenRequest.channels
const failures = ablyRealtime.tokenRequest?.failures
realtimeClient.connection.once('connected', (idk) => {
this.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'CB Realtime Connected!' })
// get the channel topic strings
// const topicStrings =
// const roomStatusTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:${}`]
// const messageChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomMessageTopicString);
// messageChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.onMessage(message)
// })
// realtimeClient.subscribe()
* @deprecated
// async function registerRoomListeners(appContext, rooms, cb, ably) {
// for (const room of rooms) {
// const roomName =;
// const roomId =;
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `monitoring room:${roomName} (${roomId})` })
// // here we create a room instance
// // this instance has callbacks for each type of
// // channel message.
// // @todo all channels are subscribed to
// // at the time of instanciation.
// // we need to change this so subscriptions happen
// // on-demand.
// // the only channel that is subscribed to at instantiation
// // is status channel.
// // if status channel is unavailable, try password channel.
// // if no channels are available, we need to throw an err.
// const rm = new Room(appContext, {
// roomName: roomName,
// roomId: roomId,
// ably: ably,
// cb: cb,
// onStart: (m) => onCbStart(appContext, roomName, m),
// onStop: (m) => onCbStop(appContext, roomName, m),
// onMessage: (m) => onCbMessage(appContext, roomName, m),
// onSilence: (m) => onCbSilence(appContext, roomName, m),
// onTitleChange: (m) => onCbTitleChange(appContext, roomName, m),
// onTip: (m) => onCbTip(appContext, roomName, m),
// onPassword: (m) => onCbPassword(appContext, roomName, m),
// })
// // retry if errors
// let retry = true;
// while (retry) {
// try {
// await rm.monitorRealtime();
// retry = false; // If no error occurs, exit the loop
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: 'monitorRealtime() completed without error.' })
// } catch (e) {
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `Error caught when attempting to monitor ${roomName} realtime. ${e}. Retrying.` });
// const minTimeout = 5000; // 5 seconds in milliseconds
// const maxTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds in milliseconds
// const timeout = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxTimeout - minTimeout + 1)) + minTimeout;
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `${timeout} courtesy timer before retry` })
// await new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * These room timers are used to differentiate between stream ending, and temporary outages
// * Room timers track how long a room has been offline.
// * If the room has been offline for less than 5 minutes and a start event occurs, the offline event must have been a temporary outage.
// */
// function registerRoomTimers(appContext, rooms) {
// for (const room of rooms) {
// const roomName =
// appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `registering room timer for ${roomName}` })
// appContext.roomTimers[roomName] = {}
// appContext.roomTimers[roomName].offline = null
// }
// }
async function daemon () {
const appContext = await init()
const stmt = appContext.db.prepare('SELECT name, id FROM rooms WHERE monitor = TRUE')
const roomsRecords = stmt.all()
const rooms = => new Room(appContext, { name:, id: }))
appContext.faye = faye.fayeFactory(appContext)
// registerRoomTimers(appContext, rooms)
const chaturbate = new ChaturbateAuth(appContext)
const ably = new AblyRealtime(appContext, cb)
// registerRoomListeners(appContext, rooms, cb, ably)
// @todo [ ] Listen to interesting rooms 24/7
// @todo [ ] When interesting room comes online, listen to more of it's events
// @todo [ ] When interesting room goes offline, stop listening to more of it's events after 5 minutes
// const concurrency = 12
// const queue = fastq(worker, 12)
registerRoomStatusListeners(appContext, rooms, chaturbate, ably)
async function exportLogs (options) {
const appContext = await init()
// let stmt = appContext.db.prepare('SELECT ...')
// if ( {
// const stream = new Stream(appContext,;
// const r = stream.getMostRecentStream()
// console.log(r)
// }
// use lifecycles database to find most recent start & stop events.
// use a 5 minute threshold to determine stream starts/s
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!!options.since && !!options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts >= ${options.since} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!!options.since && !options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts >= ${options.since} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// } else if (!options.since && !!options.until) {
// stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM messages WHERE _room = '${}' AND data_ts <= ${options.until} ORDER BY data_ts ASC;`)
// }
// const messages = stmt.all()
// console.log(messages)
command: 'daemon',
alias: 'd',
desc: 'Listen & log chaturbate events',
builder: () => {},
handler: (argv) => {
command: 'export',
alias: 'e',
desc: 'Export chat logs as JSON',
builder: (yargs) => {
return yargs
.option('output', {
alias: 'o',
describe: 'output file location',
required: true
.option('room', {
aliases: ['r', 'n'],
describe: 'the name of the chaturbate room',
required: true
.option('since', {
alias: 's',
describe: 'export logs since this date',
default: epoch,
required: false
.option('until', {
alias: 'u',
describe: 'export logs until this date',
default: now,
required: false
// .option('auto', {
// alias: 'a',
// describe: 'gets the most recent stream',
// required: false
// })
handler: (argv) => {
if ( && (argv.since !== epoch || argv.until !== now)) {
throw new Error('cannot use --auto with --since or --until.')

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
"license": "Unlicense",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "pm2 start ecosystem.config.cjs; pm2 monit",
"start": "pm2 start ecosystem.config.cjs; pm2 logs",
"test": "mocha ./test/unit",
"dev": "FUTUREPORN_WORKDIR=/home/chris/Downloads pnpm nodemon index.js daemon"
"dev": "FUTUREPORN_WORKDIR=/home/chris/Downloads pnpm nodemon --exec \"node --loader ts-node/esm \" -e js,ts,mjs,json index.ts daemon"
"type": "module",
"dependencies": {
@ -17,19 +17,28 @@
"better-sqlite3": "^8.3.0",
"cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.12",
"date-fns": "^2.29.3",
"debounce": "^1.2.1",
"dexie-export-import": "^4.0.7",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"execa": "^7.1.1",
"fastq": "^1.15.0",
"faye": "^1.4.0",
"fetch-blob": "^3.2.0",
"formdata-polyfill": "^4.0.10",
"got": "^13.0.0",
"got-plugin-debounce": "^1.0.3",
"ky": "^0.33.3",
"node-fetch": "^3.3.0",
"p-retry": "^5.1.2",
"pm2": "^5.3.0",
"seedrandom": "^3.0.5",
"terminal-kit": "^3.0.0",
"tough-cookie": "^4.1.2",
"tough-cookie-file-store": "^2.0.3",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"tty-table": "^4.2.1",
"twitter-v2": "^1.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.1.6",
"winston": "^3.8.2",
"yargs": "^17.7.2"

package.json~ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"name": "scout",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "event emitter that detects start and end of stream",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "Unlicense",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "pm2 start ecosystem.config.cjs; pm2 monit",
"test": "mocha ./test/unit",
"dev": "FUTUREPORN_WORKDIR=/home/chris/Downloads pnpm nodemon index.js daemon"
"type": "module",
"dependencies": {
"@neutralinojs/neu": "^9.5.1",
"ably": "1.2.13",
"better-sqlite3": "^8.3.0",
"cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.12",
"date-fns": "^2.29.3",
"dexie-export-import": "^4.0.7",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"execa": "^7.1.1",
"faye": "^1.4.0",
"fetch-blob": "^3.2.0",
"formdata-polyfill": "^4.0.10",
"node-fetch": "^3.3.0",
"p-retry": "^5.1.2",
"pm2": "^5.3.0",
"seedrandom": "^3.0.5",
"tough-cookie": "^4.1.2",
"tough-cookie-file-store": "^2.0.3",
"twitter-v2": "^1.1.0",
"winston": "^3.8.2",
"yargs": "^17.7.2"
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^4.3.7",
"chai-events": "^0.0.3",
"mocha": "^10.2.0",
"nodemon": "^2.0.20",
"sinon": "^15.1.0"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

sample-message.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"name":"room:message:27WDW5C:3","id":"IY89ONPmXC:0:0","encoding":null,"data":{"tid":"16845232175:70912","ts":1684523217.5373857,"message":"%%%[emoticon pkmn144||32|32|/emoticon_report_abuse/pkmn144/]%%% %%%[emoticon moderatorsaraandy||148|30|/emoticon_report_abuse/moderatorsaraandy/]%%% :: %%%[emoticon tipsshow||200|72|/emoticon_report_abuse/tipsshow/]%%%","font_family":"default","font_color":"rgb(0,0,0)","id":"9X0K8LC7DGY7NC","background":"linear-gradient(to right,rgba(17,51,204,0.0) 5.0%,rgba(17,51,204,0.2) 20.0%,rgba(17,51,204,0.4) 73.0%,rgba(17,51,204,0.2))","from_user":{"username":"cookiesecret","gender":"m","is_broadcaster":false,"in_fanclub":false,"is_following":true,"is_mod":true,"has_tokens":true,"tipped_recently":true,"tipped_alot_recently":true,"tipped_tons_recently":true},"method":"lazy","pub_ts":1684523217.5499687}} {"service":"futureporn/scout"}

sample-silence.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"name": "room:silence:KGHH38V",
"id": "cNXrpYEXUi:0:0",
"encoding": null,
"data": {
"tid": "16845347513:34561",
"ts": 1684534751.3850138,
"username": "rashel_summer1",
"from_username": "clever_bear",
"method": "lazy",
"pub_ts": 1684534751.3961625

sample-title.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "room:title_change:KGHH38V",
"id": "TOU400J_Rn:0:0",
"encoding": null,
"data": {
"tid": "16845334971:17629",
"ts": 1684533497.171352,
"title": "My name is Alexa! My third time on site!Squeeze tits close to camera #shy #new #18 #cute #young [857 tokens remaining]",
"method": "lazy",
"pub_ts": 1684533497.177245

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"channels": {
"RoomUserPresenceTopic#RoomUserPresenceTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:presence:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L:0",
"UserMessageTopic#UserMessageTopic:M79SV5L": "user:message:M79SV5L",
"UserChatMediaOpenedTopic#UserChatMediaOpenedTopic:M79SV5L": "user:chatmedia_open:M79SV5L",
"UserChatMediaRemovedTopic#UserChatMediaRemovedTopic:M79SV5L": "user:chatmedia_remove:M79SV5L",
"UserPmReadTopic#UserPmReadTopic:M79SV5L": "user:pm_read:M79SV5L",
"UserIgnoreTopic#UserIgnoreTopic:M79SV5L": "user:ignore:M79SV5L",
"UserTokenUpdateTopic#UserTokenUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": "user:token_update:M79SV5L",
"RoomTipAlertTopic#RoomTipAlertTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:tip_alert:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomPurchaseTopic#RoomPurchaseTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:purchase:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomFanClubJoinedTopic#RoomFanClubJoinedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:fanclub:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomMessageTopic#RoomMessageTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:message:JQ2YJS5:0",
"GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic#GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic": "global:push_service",
"QualityUpdateTopic#QualityUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:quality_update:JQ2YJS5",
"UserColorUpdateTopic#UserColorUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": "user:color_update:M79SV5L",
"UserAlertTopic#UserAlertTopic:M79SV5L": "user:alert:M79SV5L",
"RoomNoticeTopic#RoomNoticeTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:notice:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomEnterLeaveTopic#RoomEnterLeaveTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:enter_leave:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomPasswordProtectedTopic#RoomPasswordProtectedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:password_protected:JQ2YJS5:0",
"RoomModeratorPromotedTopic#RoomModeratorPromotedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:mod_promoted:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomModeratorRevokedTopic#RoomModeratorRevokedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:mod_revoked:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:status:JQ2YJS5:0",
"RoomTitleChangeTopic#RoomTitleChangeTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:title_change:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:silence:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomKickTopic#RoomKickTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:kick:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomUpdateTopic#RoomUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:update:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomSettingsTopic#RoomSettingsTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:settings:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomUserNoticeTopic#RoomUserNoticeTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:notice:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic#RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:private_status:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic#RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:status:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomLightBlueTopic#RoomLightBlueTopic:JQ2YJS5": "lightblue:notice:JQ2YJS5",
"GameUpdateTopic#GameUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:game_update:JQ2YJS5",
"UserSMCWatchingTopic#UserSMCWatchingTopic:M79SV5L": "user:smc_watching:M79SV5L"

src/AblyRealtime.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Ably realtime client
* This client is shared among all the Room instances
* In order to use as little Ably resources as possible
* And avoid reaching limits
import Ably from 'ably';
export default class AblyRealtime {
constructor(appContext, opts) {
this.logger = appContext.logger;
this.chaturbateAuth = opts.chaturbateAuth;
this.realtimeHost = opts?.realtimeHost;
this.fallbackHosts = opts?.fallbackHosts;
async getRealtimeClient(pushServiceAuth) {
if (!pushServiceAuth) throw new Error('getRealtime needs pushServiceAuth passed to it');
this.pushServiceAuth = pushServiceAuth
if (!this.realtimeHost || !this.fallbackHosts) {
this.realtimeHost = this.pushServiceAuth.settings.realtime_host
this.fallbackHosts = this.pushServiceAuth.settings.fallback_hosts
this.realtime = new Ably.Realtime.Promise({
autoConnect: false,
closeOnUnload: true,
transportParams: {
remainPresentFor: '0'
realtimeHost: this.realtimeHost,
restHost: this.realtimeHost,
fallback_hosts: this.fallbackHosts,
authCallback: (async (tokenParams, callback) => {
level: 'debug',
message: `Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest.`
// This is where we get a signed Ably TokenRequest from CB!
this.tokenRequest = await this.cb.getTokenRequest()
level: 'debug',
message: `Got a new TokenRequest`
level: 'debug',
message: JSON.stringify(this.tokenRequest)
callback(null, this.tokenRequest)
return this.realtime

src/ChaturbateAuth.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
import path from 'node:path';
import {
} from "tough-cookie";
import {
} from "tough-cookie-file-store";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import {
} from 'date-fns'
export default class ChaturbateAuth {
constructor(appContext, opts) {
this.appContext = appContext;
this.logger = appContext.logger;
this.cookieJar = new CookieJar(new FileCookieStore(path.join(appContext.dataDir, "cookie.json")));
async fetchCookiesIfNeeded(roomUrl) {
let cookies = await this.cookieJar.getCookies(roomUrl);
let tokenCookie = ChaturbateAuth.getTokenCookie(cookies)
level: 'debug',
message: `tokenCookie is as follows. ${tokenCookie}`
if (
tokenCookie === undefined ||
isBefore(tokenCookie.expires, new Date())
) {
level: 'debug',
message: 'tokenCookie is either undefined or expired. Getting new cookie.'
let res = await this.appContext.gotClient(roomUrl, {
"credentials": "omit",
"headers": {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "none",
"Sec-Fetch-User": "?1"
"method": "GET",
"mode": "cors"
const rawHeaders = res.headers.raw()
if (Array.isArray(rawHeaders["set-cookie"]))
cookies = rawHeaders["set-cookie"].map(Cookie.parse);
else cookies = [Cookie.parse(rawHeaders["set-cookie"])];
for (const cookie of cookies) {
this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `adding cookie ${JSON.stringify(cookie)} to the cookieJar` })
await this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie, roomUrl)
} else {
this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `🍪✅ cookies are valid.` })
static getTokenCookie(cookies) {
return cookies.find((c) => c.key == 'csrftoken');
static getSbrCookie(cookies) {
return cookies.find((c) => c.key == 'sbr');
async getTokenRequest(url, form, cookie) {
this.pushServiceAuth = await this.getPushServiceAuth(url, form, cookie)
return this.pushServiceAuth.token_request
async getCsrfToken(roomUrl) {
let cookies = await this.cookieJar.getCookies(roomUrl);
let tokenCookie = ChaturbateAuth.getTokenCookie(cookies)
return tokenCookie.value
* make a request against CB's server which
* - verifies custom credentials
* - issues signed Ably TokenRequest
* The response contains the following
* - token
* - channels
* - failures
* - token_request <-- signed Ably TokenRequest
* - client_id
* - settings
* more info--
async getPushServiceAuth(roomUrl, form, cookieString) {
// this was caused by signed token request re-use after it had expired.
// we must not cache the signed token request
// caused by mismatching client_id, when using a new client_id issued by CB pushServiceAuth with an old ably connection
// (possibly) caused by not sending Cookie header during CB pushServiceAuth
// thus leading to CB thinking we're a new anon and issuing a new client_id
// @todo please verify if this is the cause
// 09:44:42.182 Ably: Transport.onIdleTimerExpire(): No activity seen from realtime in 25113ms; assuming connection has dropped
// saw this when my internet died. unsure of whether or not the connection comes back online.
// if it doesn't come back online, this could bite me in the future.
// this is a thing we can test by airgapping.
// if there's a way to implement an onIdleTimerExpire callback, that would be the solution.
// (solved by
level: 'debug',
message: `getting pushServiceAuth.`
level: 'debug',
message: `using cookie string ${cookieString}`
this.pushServiceAuth = await this.appContext.gotClient("", {
"headers": {
"Cookie": cookieString,
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin",
"Sec-GPC": "1",
"Referrer": roomUrl,
"body": form,
"method": "POST"
level: 'debug',
message: JSON.stringify(this.pushServiceAuth)
return this.pushServiceAuth

View File

@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import {
} from "tough-cookie";
import {
} from "tough-cookie-file-store";
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
import {
} from './logger.js'
import {
} from 'date-fns'
import Ably from 'ably';
import {
} from 'formdata-polyfill/esm.min.js'
const logger = loggerFactory({
defaultMeta: {
service: "futureporn/scout"
export default class Room {
constructor(opts) {
this.roomName = opts.roomName
this.roomId = opts.roomId
this.roomUrl = '' + this.roomName
this.csrfToken = null
this.tokenRequest = null
this.ablyTokenRequest = null
this.dossier = null
this.realtimeHost = null
this.fallbackHosts = null
this.pushServiceAuth = null
this.datadir = path.join(os.homedir(), '.local/share/futureporn-scout')
this.cookieJar = new CookieJar(new FileCookieStore(path.join(this.datadir, "cookie.json"))); = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36';
this.onStart = opts.onStart || null;
this.onStop = opts.onStop || null;
this.onMessage = opts.onMessage || null;
this.onSilence = opts.onSilence || null;
this.onTitleChange = opts.onTitleChange || null;
this.onTip = opts.onTip || null;
this.realtime = null;
// deprecated. fragile because it depends on existing room dossier
// async getRoomId () {
// if (this.roomId !== '') {
// return this.roomId
// } else {
// const dossier = await getInitialRoomDossier(room)
// return dossier.room_uid
// }
// }
// deprecated. fragile because it depends on present room dossier
// async getInitialRoomDossier() {
// try {
// const res = await fetch(this.roomUrl);
// const body = await res.text();
// const $ = cheerio.load(body);
// let rawScript = $('script:contains(window.initialRoomDossier)').html();
// if (!rawScript) {
// throw new Error('window.initialRoomDossier is null. This could mean the channel is in password mode');
// }
// let rawDossier = rawScript.slice(rawScript.indexOf('"'), rawScript.lastIndexOf('"') + 1);
// let dossier = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(rawDossier));
// return dossier;
// } catch (error) {
// // Handle the error gracefully
// logger.log({ level: 'error', message: `Error fetching initial room dossier: ${error.message}` });
// return null; // Or any other appropriate action you want to take
// }
// }
static getPermissionsForm(roomId, csrfToken) {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `getting permission form with room id ${roomId}` })
if (!roomId) throw new Error('roomId is required but it was undefined')
let form = new FormData();
const topics = `{
"RoomFanClubJoinedTopic#RoomFanClubJoinedTopic:${roomId}": {
form.append('topics', topics)
form.append('csrfmiddlewaretoken', csrfToken)
return form
async monitorRealtime () {
if (!this.pushServiceAuth) this.pushServiceAuth = await this.getPushServiceAuth();
if (!this.roomId) throw new Error('roomId was missing')
const roomMessageTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomMessageTopic#RoomMessageTopic:${this.roomId}`]
const roomSilenceTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:${this.roomId}`]
const roomStatusTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:${this.roomId}`]
const roomTitleChangeTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomTitleChangeTopic#RoomTitleChangeTopic:${this.roomId}`]
const roomTipAlertTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomTipAlertTopic#RoomTipAlertTopic:${this.roomId}`]
this.realtime = await this.getRealtime()
this.realtime.connection.once('connected', (idk) => {
logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'CB Realtime Connected!' })
const messageChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomMessageTopicString);
messageChannel.subscribe((message) => {
const silenceChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomSilenceTopicString);
silenceChannel.subscribe((message) => {
const statusChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomStatusTopicString);
statusChannel.subscribe((message) => {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `got statusChannel message! ${JSON.stringify(message)}`})
if ( === 'public') {
} else if ( === 'offline') {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `Received room:status:<roomId>:0` })
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: JSON.stringify(message, 0, 2) })
const titleChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomTitleChangeTopicString);
titleChannel.subscribe((message) => {
const tipAlertChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomTipAlertTopicString);
tipAlertChannel.subscribe((message) => {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `got tipAlertChannel message! ${JSON.stringify(message)}`})
await this.realtime.connect()
async refreshToken () {
const authToken = await getNewToken()
* make a request against CB's server which
* - verifies custom credentials
* - issues signed Ably TokenRequest
* The response contains the following
* - token
* - channels
* - failures
* - token_request <-- Ably TokenRequest
* - client_id
* - settings
* more info--
async getPushServiceAuth () {
// this was caused by signed token request re-use after it had expired.
// we must not cache the signed token request
// caused by mismatching client_id, when using a new client_id issued by CB pushServiceAuth with an old ably connection
// (possibly) caused by not sending Cookie header during CB pushServiceAuth
// thus leading to CB thinking we're a new anon and issuing a new client_id
// @todo please verify if this is the cause
// 09:44:42.182 Ably: Transport.onIdleTimerExpire(): No activity seen from realtime in 25113ms; assuming connection has dropped
// saw this when my internet died. unsure of whether or not the connection comes back online.
// if it doesn't come back online, this could bite me in the future.
// this is a thing we can test by airgapping.
// if there's a way to implement an onIdleTimerExpire callback, that would be the solution.
// @todo
level: 'debug',
message: `getting pushServiceAuth.`
await this.fetchCookiesIfNeeded()
this.csrfToken = await this.getCsrfToken()
const cookieString = await this.cookieJar.getCookieString(this.roomUrl)
level: 'debug',
message: `using cookie string ${cookieString}`
const form = Room.getPermissionsForm(this.roomId, this.csrfToken)
const res = await fetch("", {
"credentials": "include",
"headers": {
"Cookie": cookieString,
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin",
"Sec-GPC": "1"
"referrer": this.roomUrl,
"body": form,
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors"
this.pushServiceAuth = await res.json()
level: 'debug',
message: JSON.stringify(this.pushServiceAuth)
return this.pushServiceAuth
async getTokenRequest() {
this.pushServiceAuth = await this.getPushServiceAuth()
return this.pushServiceAuth.token_request
async getRealtime() {
// deps
// csrfToken, tokenRequest, realtimeHost, fallbackHosts
if (!this.realtimeHost || !this.fallbackHosts) {
this.pushServiceAuth = await this.getPushServiceAuth()
this.realtimeHost = this.pushServiceAuth.settings.realtime_host
this.fallbackHosts = this.pushServiceAuth.settings.fallback_hosts
const realtime = new Ably.Realtime.Promise({
autoConnect: false,
closeOnUnload: true,
transportParams: {
remainPresentFor: '0'
realtimeHost: this.realtimeHost,
restHost: this.realtimeHost,
fallback_hosts: this.fallbackHosts,
authCallback: (async(tokenParams, cb) => {
// @see
// @todo get a new signed token from CB's servers
level: 'debug',
message: `Ably authCallback. Getting a fresh new Ably TokenRequest.`
// This is where we get a signed TokenRequest from CB!
this.tokenRequest = await this.getTokenRequest()
level: 'debug',
message: `Got a new TokenRequest`
level: 'debug',
message: JSON.stringify(this.tokenRequest)
cb(null, this.tokenRequest)
return realtime
static getTokenCookie(cookies) {
return cookies.find((c) => c.key == 'csrftoken');
static getSbrCookie(cookies) {
return cookies.find((c) => c.key == 'sbr');
async fetchCookiesIfNeeded () {
let cookies = await this.cookieJar.getCookies(this.roomUrl);
let tokenCookie = Room.getTokenCookie(cookies)
level: 'debug',
message: `tokenCookie is as follows. ${tokenCookie}`
if (
tokenCookie === undefined ||
isBefore(tokenCookie.expires, new Date())
) {
level: 'debug',
message: 'tokenCookie is either undefined or expired. Getting new cookie.'
let res = await fetch(this.roomUrl, {
"credentials": "omit",
"headers": {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "none",
"Sec-Fetch-User": "?1"
"method": "GET",
"mode": "cors"
const rawHeaders = res.headers.raw()
if (Array.isArray(rawHeaders["set-cookie"]))
cookies = rawHeaders["set-cookie"].map(Cookie.parse);
else cookies = [Cookie.parse(rawHeaders["set-cookie"])];
for (const cookie of cookies) {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `adding cookie ${JSON.stringify(cookie)} to the cookieJar` })
await this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie, this.roomUrl)
} else {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `🍪✅ cookies are valid.`})
async getCsrfToken() {
let cookies = await this.cookieJar.getCookies(this.roomUrl);
let tokenCookie = Room.getTokenCookie(cookies)
return tokenCookie.value

src/Room.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
import {
} from 'formdata-polyfill/esm.min.js'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import ChaturbateAuth from './ChaturbateAuth'
import { Logger } from 'winston'
import { IAppContext } from './appContext'
import AblyRealtime from './AblyRealtime'
import { Realtime } from 'ably'
export interface IRoomOptions {
chaturbateAuth?: any;
ably?: any;
name: string;
onStart?: any;
onStop?: any;
onMessage?: any;
onSilence?: any;
onTitleChange?: any;
onTip?: any;
onPassword?: any;
id?: string;
export default class Room {
private id: string | Promise<string>;
private logger: Logger;
private appContext: IAppContext;
private chaturbateAuth: ChaturbateAuth;
private ably: AblyRealtime;
private name: string;
private url: string;
private csrfToken: string | null;
private tokenRequest: any;
private ablyTokenRequest: any;
private realtimeHost: string | null;
private fallbackHosts: string[] | null;
private pushServiceAuth: any;
private onStart: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onStop: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onMessage: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onSilence: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onTitleChange: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onTip: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private onPassword: ((message: any) => void) | null;
private realtime: Realtime | null;
private dossier: any;
constructor(appContext: IAppContext, opts: IRoomOptions) {
if (opts?.name === undefined) throw new Error('Room constructor requires a room name.')
this.logger = appContext.logger // this needs to be defined before
this.appContext = appContext
this.chaturbateAuth = opts.chaturbateAuth;
this.ably = opts.ably; =
this.url = '' + + '/'
this.csrfToken = null
this.tokenRequest = null
this.ablyTokenRequest = null
this.realtimeHost = null
this.fallbackHosts = null
this.pushServiceAuth = null
this.onStart = opts.onStart || null;
this.onStop = opts.onStop || null;
this.onMessage = opts.onMessage || null;
this.onSilence = opts.onSilence || null;
this.onTitleChange = opts.onTitleChange || null;
this.onTip = opts.onTip || null;
this.onPassword = opts.onPassword || null;
this.realtime = null;
this.dossier = null
// We put this last because they depend on other opts
// before making a network request = opts?.id || this.getRoomId()
// depends on initialRoomDossier existing, which is missing when room is passworded
// will return null if dossier is missing.
async getRoomId (): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const dossier = await this.getInitialRoomDossier()
return = dossier.room_uid
} catch (e) {
this.logger.log({ level: 'warning', message: `error while getting room ID. ${e}` })
return = null
async getInitialRoomDossier(): Promise<any | null> {
try {
const res = await this.appContext.gotClient(this.url);
const $ = cheerio.load(res.body);
let rawScript = $('script:contains(window.initialRoomDossier)').html();
if (!rawScript) {
throw new Error('window.initialRoomDossier is null. This could mean the channel is in password mode');
let rawDossier = rawScript.slice(rawScript.indexOf('"'), rawScript.lastIndexOf('"') + 1);
let dossier = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(rawDossier));
return dossier;
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error gracefully
this.logger.log({ level: 'warning', message: `Error fetching initial room dossier: ${error.message}` });
return null; // Or any other appropriate action you want to take
* The list of default topics which are always subscribed to
public async getDefaultTopics(): Promise<string[]> {
if (! throw new Error(`cannot get Room's default topics because a could not be fetched`);
return [`RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:${}`]
public async getAvailableTopics(): Promise<string[]> {
if (! throw new Error(`cannot get Room's available topics because could not be fetched`)
const defaultTopics = await this.getDefaultTopics()
return defaultTopics
// the number suffixes are assumed to be session ids.
// opening multiple tabs of the same room will not incr the :n suffix.
// however, opening different rooms in multiple tags will incr the :n suffix
// maybe Ably does request deduplication for same sesionIds???
// we don't need to compute the sessionId, as pushServiceAuth response contains it.
static getPermissionsForm(roomIds: string[], topics: string[], csrfToken: string): FormData {
if (!roomIds || roomIds.length === 0) {
throw new Error('roomIds is required but it was undefined or empty');
const generateTopic = (topicKey: string, topicValue: string) => {
return JSON.stringify({ [topicKey]: topicValue });
let form = new FormData();
let formTopics = {};
roomIds.forEach((roomId) => {
if (topics.includes('status')) {
formTopics[`RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:${roomId}`] = {"broadcaster_uid":roomId}
if (topics.includes('silence')) {
formTopics[`RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:${roomId}`] = {"broadcaster_uid":roomId}
// process.exit(3)
form.append('topics', JSON.stringify(formTopics))
form.append('csrfmiddlewaretoken', csrfToken);
return form;
// async monitorRealtime(): Promise<void> {
// if (!this.pushServiceAuth) this.pushServiceAuth = await this.getPushServiceAuth();
// if (! throw new Error('roomId was missing')
// const roomMessageTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomMessageTopic#RoomMessageTopic:${}`]
// const roomSilenceTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:${}`]
// const roomStatusTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:${}`]
// const roomTitleChangeTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomTitleChangeTopic#RoomTitleChangeTopic:${}`]
// const roomTipAlertTopicString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomTipAlertTopic#RoomTipAlertTopic:${}`]
// const roomPasswordProtectedString = this.pushServiceAuth.channels[`RoomPasswordProtectedTopic#RoomPasswordProtectedTopic:${}`]
// // We probably don't need to call this
// // once per room. Once per scout is probably enough.
// // we need to refactor for this to work.
// this.realtime = await this.ably.getRealtimeClient()
// this.realtime.connection.once('connected', (idk) => {
// this.logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'CB Realtime Connected!' })
// })
// const messageChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomMessageTopicString);
// messageChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.onMessage(message)
// })
// const silenceChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomSilenceTopicString);
// silenceChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.onSilence(message)
// })
// const statusChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomStatusTopicString);
// statusChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `got statusChannel message! ${JSON.stringify(message)}`})
// if ( === 'public') {
// this.onStart(message)
// } else if ( === 'offline') {
// this.onStop(message)
// }
// this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `Received room:status:<roomId>:0` })
// this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: JSON.stringify(message, null, 2) })
// });
// const titleChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomTitleChangeTopicString);
// titleChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.onTitleChange(message)
// })
// const tipAlertChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomTipAlertTopicString);
// tipAlertChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `got tipAlertChannel message! ${JSON.stringify(message)}`})
// this.onTip(message)
// })
// const passwordProtectedChannel = this.realtime.channels.get(roomPasswordProtectedString);
// passwordProtectedChannel.subscribe((message) => {
// this.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `got passwordProtectedChannel message! ${JSON.stringify(message)}` })
// this.onPassword(message)
// })
// await this.realtime.connect()
// }
// async refreshToken (): Promise<() => void> {
// const authToken = await this.getNewToken()
// }

src/TuiTable.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// terminal UI
import Table from 'tty-table'
export default class TuiTable {
constructor() {
this.header = [
value: 'room',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'pubOrPvt',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'status',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'message',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'tip',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'title',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
value: 'silence',
headerColor: 'cyan',
color: 'white',
align: 'center'
// Example with objects as rows
this.rows = [
this.footer = [ ]
this.options = {
borderStyle: "solid",
borderColor: "green",
paddingBottom: 0,
headerAlign: "center",
headerColor: "green",
align: "center",
color: "white",
width: "80%"
const t1 = Table(this.header, this.rows, this.footer, this.options).render()
addRow(data) {
const t1 = Table(this.header, this.rows, this.footer, this.options).render()
removeRow() {

src/WorkQueue.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const fastq = require('fastq')
export default class WorkQueue() {
constructor(appContext, opts) {
this.concurrency = opts?.concurrency || 12
this.queue = fastq(this.worker, this.concurrency)
return this.queue
worker(arg, cb) {
cb(null, arg*2)
// queue.push(42, function (err, result) {
// if (err) { throw err }
// console.log('the result is', result)
// })
// function worker (arg, cb) {
// cb(null, arg * 2)
// }

src/Worker.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
export default class Worker {
constructor(appContext, opts) {
// called when a room goes live
async work () {
// called when a room is no longer live
async retire () {

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import 'dotenv/config'
export const appEnv = new Array('PUBSUB_SERVER_URL')
export function getAppContext(appEnv, logger, db, sound, cb) {
return {
env: appEnv.reduce((acc, ev) => {
if (typeof process.env[ev] === 'undefined') throw new Error(`${ev} is undefined in env`);
acc[ev] = process.env[ev];
return acc;
}, {}),
roomTimers: {},

src/appContext.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import 'dotenv/config';
export const appEnv: string[] = ['PUBSUB_SERVER_URL'];
export function getAppContext(
appEnv: string[],
logger: any,
db: any,
sound: any,
cb: any,
dataDir: any,
gotClient: any
) {
return {
env: appEnv.reduce((acc: any, ev: string) => {
if (typeof process.env[ev] === 'undefined') throw new Error(`${ev} is undefined in env`);
acc[ev] = process.env[ev];
return acc;
}, {}),
roomTimers: {},
faye: null,
export interface IAppContext {
env: Record<string, string>;
logger: any;
db: any;
roomTimers: {};
sound: any;
cb: any;
dataDir: any;
gotClient: any;
faye: any | null;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { execa } from 'execa'
import pRetry from 'p-retry'
export async function getRandomRoom () {
const res = await fetch('')
export async function getRandomRoom (appContext) {
const res = await appContext.gotClient.get('')
const body = await res.text()
const $ = cheerio.load(body)
let roomsRaw = $('a[data-room]')

View File

@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ import Stream from './Stream.js'
import { signalStart, sendSignal } from './faye.js'
// import { execa } from 'execa'
export const onCbPassword = async (appContext, roomName, message) => {
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `[ ] room is passworded`})
// const stmt = appContext.db.prepare(`INSERT INTO passwords VALUES `)
// @todo log passworded room events
export const onCbTip = async (appContext, roomName, message) => {
appContext.logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: `$$$ [TIP] ${JSON.stringify(message)}` })

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export async function getRoomId (room) {
export async function getRandomRoom () {
const res = await fetch('')
const res = await gotClient('')
const body = await res.text()
const $ = cheerio.load(body)
let roomsRaw = $('a[data-room]')
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export async function getRandomRoom () {
// export async function getInitialRoomDossier(roomName = defaultRoomName) {
// const res = await fetch(`${roomName}`);
// const res = await gotClient(`${roomName}`);
// const body = await res.text();
// const $ = cheerio.load(body);
// let rawScript = $('script:contains(window.initialRoomDossier)').html();
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ export async function getRandomRoom () {
// }
// export async function getViewerCount(roomName = defaultRoomName, presenceId = generateRandomString(millisecondsToHours( {
// const res = await fetch(`${roomName}/?presence_id=${presenceId}`, {
// const res = await gotClient(`${roomName}/?presence_id=${presenceId}`, {
// "credentials": "include",
// "headers": {
// "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0",
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ export async function getRandomRoom () {
// form.append('topics', topics)
// form.append('csrfmiddlewaretoken', csrfToken)
// const res = await fetch("", {
// const res = await gotClient("", {
// "credentials": "include",
// "headers": {
// "User-Agent": ua,
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ export async function getRandomRoom () {
// if (typeof tokenCookie === 'undefined') {
// let res = await fetch(cbUrl, {
// let res = await gotClient(cbUrl, {
// "credentials": "omit",
// "headers": {
// "User-Agent": ua,

src/gotClient.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import plugin from 'got-plugin-debounce';
import got from 'got';
// 1-2 seconds between requests, for courtesy
export default got
.extend({ debounce: [1350, 2000] })
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',

View File

@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
import winston from 'winston'
import winston, { Logger, LoggerOptions } from 'winston';
export const loggerFactory = (options) => {
const mergedOptions = Object.assign({}, {
export const loggerFactory = (options: LoggerOptions): Logger => {
const mergedOptions: LoggerOptions = {
level: 'info',
defaultMeta: { service: 'futureporn' },
format: winston.format.timestamp()
}, options)
const logger = winston.createLogger(mergedOptions);
format: winston.format.timestamp(),
const logger: Logger = winston.createLogger(mergedOptions);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
logger.add(new winston.transports.Console({
level: 'debug',
format: winston.format.simple()
} else {
logger.add(new winston.transports.Console({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json()
return logger
return logger;

src/scrap2.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{ "RoomUserPresenceTopic#RoomUserPresenceTopic:7XHKH7V:M79SV5L": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V", "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserMessageTopic#UserMessageTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserChatMediaOpenedTopic#UserChatMediaOpenedTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserChatMediaRemovedTopic#UserChatMediaRemovedTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserPmReadTopic#UserPmReadTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserIgnoreTopic#UserIgnoreTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserTokenUpdateTopic#UserTokenUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "RoomTipAlertTopic#RoomTipAlertTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomPurchaseTopic#RoomPurchaseTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomFanClubJoinedTopic#RoomFanClubJoinedTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomMessageTopic#RoomMessageTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic#GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic": { }, "QualityUpdateTopic#QualityUpdateTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "UserColorUpdateTopic#UserColorUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserAlertTopic#UserAlertTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "RoomNoticeTopic#RoomNoticeTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomEnterLeaveTopic#RoomEnterLeaveTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomPasswordProtectedTopic#RoomPasswordProtectedTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomModeratorPromotedTopic#RoomModeratorPromotedTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomModeratorRevokedTopic#RoomModeratorRevokedTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomTitleChangeTopic#RoomTitleChangeTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomKickTopic#RoomKickTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomUpdateTopic#RoomUpdateTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomSettingsTopic#RoomSettingsTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "RoomUserNoticeTopic#RoomUserNoticeTopic:7XHKH7V:M79SV5L": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V", "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic#RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic:7XHKH7V:M79SV5L": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V", "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic#RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic:7XHKH7V:M79SV5L": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V", "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "RoomLightBlueTopic#RoomLightBlueTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "GameUpdateTopic#GameUpdateTopic:7XHKH7V": { "broadcaster_uid": "7XHKH7V" }, "UserSMCWatchingTopic#UserSMCWatchingTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UserNewsSeenTopic#UserNewsSeenTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "OfflineTipNotificationTopic#OfflineTipNotificationTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" }, "UpdateOfflineTipNotificationTopic#UpdateOfflineTipNotificationTopic:M79SV5L": { "user_uid": "M79SV5L" } }

src/scrap3.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// chaturbate channel names are on left hand side
// Ably channel names are on right hand side
"channels": {
"RoomUserPresenceTopic#RoomUserPresenceTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:presence:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L:0",
"UserMessageTopic#UserMessageTopic:M79SV5L": "user:message:M79SV5L",
"UserChatMediaOpenedTopic#UserChatMediaOpenedTopic:M79SV5L": "user:chatmedia_open:M79SV5L",
"UserChatMediaRemovedTopic#UserChatMediaRemovedTopic:M79SV5L": "user:chatmedia_remove:M79SV5L",
"UserPmReadTopic#UserPmReadTopic:M79SV5L": "user:pm_read:M79SV5L",
"UserIgnoreTopic#UserIgnoreTopic:M79SV5L": "user:ignore:M79SV5L",
"UserTokenUpdateTopic#UserTokenUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": "user:token_update:M79SV5L",
"RoomTipAlertTopic#RoomTipAlertTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:tip_alert:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomPurchaseTopic#RoomPurchaseTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:purchase:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomFanClubJoinedTopic#RoomFanClubJoinedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:fanclub:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomMessageTopic#RoomMessageTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:message:JQ2YJS5:0",
"GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic#GlobalPushServiceBackendChangeTopic": "global:push_service",
"QualityUpdateTopic#QualityUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:quality_update:JQ2YJS5",
"UserColorUpdateTopic#UserColorUpdateTopic:M79SV5L": "user:color_update:M79SV5L",
"UserAlertTopic#UserAlertTopic:M79SV5L": "user:alert:M79SV5L",
"RoomNoticeTopic#RoomNoticeTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:notice:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomEnterLeaveTopic#RoomEnterLeaveTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:enter_leave:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomPasswordProtectedTopic#RoomPasswordProtectedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:password_protected:JQ2YJS5:0",
"RoomModeratorPromotedTopic#RoomModeratorPromotedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:mod_promoted:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomModeratorRevokedTopic#RoomModeratorRevokedTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:mod_revoked:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomStatusTopic#RoomStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:status:JQ2YJS5:0",
"RoomTitleChangeTopic#RoomTitleChangeTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:title_change:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomSilenceTopic#RoomSilenceTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:silence:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomKickTopic#RoomKickTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:kick:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomUpdateTopic#RoomUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:update:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomSettingsTopic#RoomSettingsTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:settings:JQ2YJS5",
"RoomUserNoticeTopic#RoomUserNoticeTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:notice:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic#RoomUserPrivateStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:private_status:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic#RoomUserHiddenCamStatusTopic:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L": "room_user:status:JQ2YJS5:M79SV5L",
"RoomLightBlueTopic#RoomLightBlueTopic:JQ2YJS5": "lightblue:notice:JQ2YJS5",
"GameUpdateTopic#GameUpdateTopic:JQ2YJS5": "room:game_update:JQ2YJS5",
"UserSMCWatchingTopic#UserSMCWatchingTopic:M79SV5L": "user:smc_watching:M79SV5L"

src/scrap6.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

taco.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
(function() {
var tsQueue = [];
var tsWatcher = setInterval(function() {
var tsInstance = window['tsInstance'];
if (tsInstance !== undefined) {
while (tsQueue.length > 0) {
}, 50);
window['tsExec'] = function(func) {
if (window['tsInstance'] !== undefined && tsQueue.length <= 0) {
} else {
if (window.self !== &&["onFrameLoad"] !== undefined) {["onFrameLoad"](window.self)
window.tsInstance = {
sure: 'ok',
maybe: 'idk'

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import chai, { expect } from "chai";
import { EventEmitter } from "node:events";
import chaiEvents from 'chai-events'
import Room from '../../src/Room.js'
import Room from '../../src/Room.ts'
import { projektMelodyCbRoomId } from '../../src/constants.js'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import got from 'got';
import plugin from 'got-plugin-debounce';
const client = got
.extend(plugin) // load plugin
.extend({ debounce: 2000 }) // random value from 350ms to 450ms between 2 requests
const startedAt =;
const report = () => new Promise((resolve) => {console.log(`elapsed:${}`); resolve()})
await Promise.all([
const elapsed = - startedAt;
console.log(elapsed > 1000); // true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import Room from '../../src/Room.ts';
import ChaturbateAuth from '../../src/ChaturbateAuth.js';
import Realtime from '../../src/Realtime.js';
import chai, { expect } from "chai";
import chaiEvents from 'chai-events';
import gotClient from '../../src/gotClient.js';
import path from 'node:path';
import os from 'node:os';
describe('realtime', function () {
describe('Can I use my own permission form?', function () {
it('should subscribe to Ably realtime, error free', async function () {
const fakeAppContext = {
logger: {
log: (msg) => console.log(JSON.stringify(msg)),
dataDir: path.join(os.homedir(), '.local/share/futureporn-scout'),
const cb = new ChaturbateAuth(fakeAppContext)
const ably = new Realtime(fakeAppContext, { chaturbate: cb })
const rooms = [
// 'athena_airis'
].map((r) => new Room(fakeAppContext, { name: r, cb, ably }))
const elRoom = rooms[1]
// get cookie from cb. We only need one for `` (not one per room.)
await cb.fetchCookiesIfNeeded(elRoom.url)
const csrfToken = await cb.getCsrfToken(elRoom.url) // doesn't really matter which roomUrl for this token, as long as it is on domain
const cookieString = await cb.cookieJar.getCookieString(elRoom.url)
console.log('here is the cookiestring')
await Promise.allSettled(( =>
// @todo in index.js, flag any rooms which don't have an ID. This would suggest a passworded room.
const openRooms = rooms.filter((r) => (!!
// get permission form for all the rooms we are interested in
const permissionForm = Room.getPermissionsForm( =>, ['status', 'silence'], csrfToken)
for (let pair of permissionForm.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0] + ': ' + pair[1]);
// get signed ably tokenrequest from cb
const token = await cb.getTokenRequest(elRoom.url, permissionForm, cookieString)
// get realtime connection with merged permission form(?)

test/unit/tui.test.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import TuiTable from '../../src/TuiTable.js'
describe('TuiTable', function() {
it('should display a table', function() {
const tui = new TuiTable()
room: 'foo',
pubOrPvt: 'sure',
status: 'idk',
message: '???',
tip: '$',
title: '#',
silence: 'shhh'
// Spawn a worker
const worker1 = { room: 'Room 1', pubOrPass: 'Pub', status: 'Running', message: 'Working...', tip: 'Tip 1', title: 'Worker 1', silence: 'No' };
room: 'foo',
pubOrPvt: 'sure',
status: 'idk',
message: '???',
tip: '$',
title: '#',
silence: 'shhh'
// Simulate worker retirement after some time
setTimeout(() => {
// tui.removeRow(worker1);
room: 'foo',
pubOrPvt: 'sure',
status: 'idk',
message: '???',
tip: '$',
title: '#',
silence: 'shhh'
}, 1000);

testdex.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// import twitter from './src/twitter.js'
import 'dotenv/config'
// import { chat, getViewerCount, monitorRealtimeStatus } from './src/chaturbate.js'
import Room from './src/Room.ts'
import { containsCBInviteLink } from "./src/tweetProcess.js"
import { loggerFactory } from "./logger"
import postgres from 'postgres'
if (typeof process.env.POSTGRES_HOST === 'undefined') throw new Error('POSTGRES_HOST undef');
if (typeof process.env.POSTGRES_USERNAME === 'undefined') throw new Error('POSTGRES_USERNAME undef');
if (typeof process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD === 'undefined') throw new Error('POSTGRES_PASSWORD undef');
const logger = loggerFactory({
defaultMeta: { service: 'futureporn/scout' }
const sql = postgres({
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USERNAME,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST
* tweetConsumer
* this is the function that is called when a tweet is detected
const tweetConsumer = (tweet) => {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: ` [*] Tweet: ${JSON.stringify(tweet, 0, 2)}` })
if (containsCBInviteLink(tweet)) {
logger.log({ level: 'debug', message: ` [*] The tweet contains a CB invite link.` })
aedes.publish('futureporn/scout/tweet', tweet)
const onCbStart = () => {
sql.notify('scout/stream/start', { date: new Date().valueOf() })
const onCbStop = () => {
sql.notify('scout/stream/stop', { date: new Date().valueOf() })
* main
* - connect to twitter and listen for new tweets
* - connect to chaturbate chat and watch for spikes in messages per minute
async function main () {
// twitter(tweetConsumer)
// monitorRealtimeStatus('projektmelody', onCbStart, onCbStop)
const room = new Room({
roomName: 'kronniekray',
onStart: onCbStart,
onStop: onCbStop
logger.log({ level: 'info', message: 'hello' })
logger.log({ level: 'info', message: `process.env.NODE_ENV:${process.env.NODE_ENV}` })

tsconfig.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"module": "es6",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"target": "es6",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
"outDir": "dist"
"lib": [